Literally i cant anymore

17 1 14

No. No.

This is why I left my TikTok fan account. I logged back in just now ONLY to repost a video I made on my writing account because it was like "what's your inspiration for your story" and part of my inspiration is Jatp right so I included it in the video and it's not doing well AT ALL so I'm like I'll repost it on my Jatp page right. I log in and the FIRST thing I see is I get a new comment on one of my oldish videos. It's a video I personally love.

It's an audio form the show Sam and Cat where Sam says "they canceled that's a drab! that show was such a big hit! What kind of tv network would cancel a big hit!" And then did the Taylor swift audio "it's me hi I'm the problem it's me" showing Netflix. Right. Right. 

So the video was about JULIE AND THE PHANTOMS. right. Right. Can you feel my rage lol. Anyways. Phantoms. Plural. Do you guys see the s. I think there's an s I mean IM NOT A GENIUS but I do know my alphabet.

So why. Why do SOME PEOPLE feel the need to comment "bring back juke"
Like I get it. You miss you stupid little star crossed lovers, whatever. But this video wasn't about them it's about the whole show and I'm saying bring the show back because honestly since I don't really care about juke I'd they just bring juke back I won't only not feel happy I'll be sad il l cry and I'll be mad. How about being back the whole band? Flynn, Willie, Carlos, Ray,

Okay. I need to chill. This just happened so I haven't taken a breather. I'm breathing now don't worry

I can't control people I know and I should probably stop letting this bother me especially because I feel like a giant hypocrite because if they brought back a show that was just about Reggie I'd be happy. But the thing is I would never comment "bring back Reggie" I would comment "bring back our band" or "bring back our show" or if it's a sunset curve edit "bring back our ghost band" or something

It's just annoying that everything is so romance centered. Even things that aren't romance centered, are romance centered the second you join the fandom.

Why does the main character always have to have a love interest?

Why is the love interest always the second main character/co main character?

I hate that I can't wrap my head around this because I have things I love too and I'm sure I can't always explain why I love it and I probably obsessed over it the same way some people obsess over romance. I hate that romance bothers me. And I try so hard to not let it bother me but I've always had trouble ignoring things as a kid. No matter what it was.

My siblings would be doing something that was annoying, I'd constantly tell them to stop and they wouldn't and my parents would say just ignore it and I couldn't for the life of me ignore it.

Anyways. It's been a rough day or so with my "relationship" with me and Jatp. I am sorry for always ranting about it on here and like if it's annoying I will stop. I'll never mention Jatp here again if you want. 

Anyways. I still have to repost that video from my writing account. But I have a question. Would it be petty/rude to delete the comment? Bc like I feel like it is and like part of me wants it to be petty. Like what's my problem omygosh I'm just gonna leave it. Pretend it's not even there.

Okay. I'm sorry for ranting about this show again. Thanks for listening anyways, I hope you all have a lovely day/night. Take care 💚💜

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