Colleen Hoover

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If you don't know...there's this author named Colleen Hoover and her books....ew.

So there's people who absolutely love her books and then there's people that are like "this is gross" so thank goodness I'm not alone here and I'm on the side of TikTok with Colleen Hoover hate but I do know Colleen Hoover fans exists becuase at on point she was like the second most best seller or something. She was second place in something right under Stephen King and my older sister likes her books.

But like how. Now, part of me wants to give you the exerts I've been seeing of why her books are ew. But I wouldn't do that to you guys. It's bad. Okay.

In one of her books the parents like sexualize their son, their NEWBORN baby son. So....ewww.

People say it's like she copies her books from wattpad. And now there are some great books on here don't get me wrong but wattpad is notoriously known for being the app for bad smut fanfic. (I'm pretty sure that's what people mean when they make fun of wattpad) so like...yea. Based on that...yeah. The excerpts I've seen are...are that. I wish I could erase my memory from what I've seen.

So like how do people sit there and read her stuff. Maybe I'm just too aroace but the one I saw the other day just didn't seem realistic.

And in one of her books, one my sister and grandma both read, the relationship was toxic and the guy was abusive (I haven't actually read the book I got this information from TikTok) and like the whole story glamorizes that and people want the relationship to work out!

Like no, the dude is abusive. He's creepy. And apparently right from the start he couldn't take no for an answer (again for this from TikTok so I don't really know what the situation was but a Colleen Hoover hater had said he wasn't taking no for an answer for like going home with her or something? And they were strangers. Idk.)

Like my sister got a Colleen Hoover book for Christmas and when she opened it up I tried so hard not to make a face.

So yeah. I actually wrote this like two or three days ago and forgot about it so that's fun. Thanks for listening! I hope you have a great day/night. Take care 💚💜

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