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I just saw a TikTok that said kissing was such an odd thing like who came up with that?

And it got me thinking about it.  Like who said "Hm I like you. Let's touch lips" like how did someone come up with that? 😂

And the comments were like "it's just a subconscious desire" or something and I'm like but like how. It's so wild to me.

And someone also said kissing stimulates the production of hormones that make you have a good mood. And then they said, direct quote "when two people lock lips their bodies release dopamine"  and like it kinda makes sense from like a psychology stand point (I love psychology) but like that still doesn't explain who discovered it.

Also someone said the same thing happens when you hug so that's honestly really cool. Because hugs are awesome (depending on my mood and who it is that's hugging me. Bc like a hug as a greeting to someone I see like once a weekish- not really in the mood for a hug. Hugging my best friend as a greeting bc I haven't seen her in forever- pretty nice)

Idk. I just thought it was a cool little thought bc like kissing is kinda odd. No shade to people who like it or anything but like the first person to come up with it had to have gotten weird looks at first. And it's cool that hugging does the same thing to your brain that kissing does. (Well according to a random person on the internet but it just makes sense to me that it would be true and I also took ap psych)

So yeah. That's all I have. Thanks so much for listening, I'm wishing you all the very best. Hope you have a wonderful day/night, take care 💚💜

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