No love intrest does not equal no depth

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It's currently 1:40 am and I have to wake up at 5:30 am for school tomorrow but sleep was never an option tonight especially since I read this article about one of my favorite shows and it talked about the cancellation and such.

You guys know by know if you read that one rant about how I realized I don't hate fictional romance I just hate that it takes away from the other stuff I'm so overly passionate and protective of that I am really really protective over my favorite characters.

Well, this article DEMOTED my FAVORITE CHARACTER from a main character to a side character with "no depth beside his warm tone when he sings" and they also said he provided comedic relief through naivety which there's some depth right there, okay he's funny. But like yes he'd have more depth if the show wasn't cancelled it he has a lot of depth if you just pay attention. He's clearly really caring about his friends, they're the most important people in his life, we got a tiny bit of backstory but not much, we knew his parents were always arguing, there's some more depth. Also there's a whole other article about him giving him so much depth talking about how he's more than the comedic relief. That article made me cry because like it showed appreciation for my favorite that was so well deserved like finally someone was saying it. He's more than comic relief. Like how are you gonna demote him to side character.

And when they mention depth with the other character they mention the love interests.

Just because you don't have a love interest DOENST MEAN YOU HAVE NO DEPTH

I'm sorry. This just happened so I'm like currently rage typing this while normally I write these rants after I calm down and adding to my anger is this is my favorite character, I'm super protective of him and they just demoted him to side character with no depth.

Like yeah I wish there was a season 2 to have even more depth for him but he doesn't have no depth okay. Like gosh being in love doesn't give you fucking depth in fact there's so much depth to him but it's just all covered and we won't ever know about it because it got canceled.

Maybe I read too many fanfics for this character and that's why I think he has so much depth but like for real can one thing without romance be treated like it's deep and meaningful and beautiful and no "incomplete" or "has no depth"

And maybe that's not what they meant and I'm just over reacting it is almost 2am but I don't take thinks lightly when it comes to my favorite character and I can't rant about this to other people in the fandom because it would be weird I feel like.

I haven't even finished the article yet.
I don't think I can.

Sorry this wasn't as of a aroace rant I just didn't know where else to put this.

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