Doesnt make it better

17 1 21

Ok so I'm watching this TV show that I used to watch as a kid on Disney Channel.  And basically, there's this dude named Brett who is a spy and this girl KC who is also a spy.

KC and Brett get paired together for a spy mission and they're supposed to be like fake dating and KC hates this dude. She thinks he's annoying and like has a huge ego and I agree, he seems kind of annoying and I don't like him either.

But KC's best friend Marissa thinks he's cute and she's like "oh so if you guys aren't really dating can I ask him out" and KC said yeah go for it I don't like him.

So Marissa and Brett start dating and KC realizes she does have feelings for Brett. But she doesn't wanna take her best friends boyfriend so she tries to be happy for them.

Turns out Marissa doesn't like him anymore but KC seemed so into them being together (she was faking it but still) she didn't want to let KC down but then she was like "wait obviously KC likes him so I can dump him and she can date him"

So they break up and Brett tells KC he's not heartbroken because he likes someone else. KC gets upset that he was dating her best friend when he liked someone else. But then he told her the someone else was her and she was like "oh well on that case it's not bad"

Like what? He still was dating Marissa while having feelings for someone else, it being you doesn't make it better. Like that's so dumb. He's probably gonna lead her on too.

Romance culture is so weird wild and disturbing. Like one that guy is already a huge egotistical jerk and he's not even objectively cute in my opinion I mean he's not ugly but like he's just a guy. And then he was dating Marissa when he had feelings for someone else, like just no. The guy is a walking ref flag in my opinion.

Omg I was right.
He's a double agent. He's after KC and his family. I mean I've seen this show before so I think he ends up leaving the otherside but as of now he's after KV and her family so he is no good.

YES JUDY!!! Judy just said "why do you go through so much trouble for a stupid boy!" I know right Judy.

She just asked what love is. And she said love isn't better than free wifi.

Part of me wants to call her an aroace icon even though I don't think that's what the show was trying to say, but also she's a robot and I think the Aroace community deserves human representation but just is basically human, she looks human and I feel like I forget she's even a robot sometimes but she's still a robot so like idk.

MOTHERS INSTINCT! The mom doesn't trust him, she thinks he's too good to be true. She's right.

Back to Judy. I love this girl. She was watching a movie and her brother came in the room and was like "turn your movie off I wanna use the tv" and she was like "this movie sucks anyways. The lady bats her eyes, puts her hand on her shoulder and looks at him coily, and he declares undying love. PLEEASE" love her. I agree it's dumb.

Oh damn. She just fell in love with a video game character.  Okay. That's cool I guess.

Anyways that's all I have to say. Thanks for listening and I hope you all have a wonderful day,
take care 💚💜

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