Still on my Delulu

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I don't know who else to talk to about this and I'm starting to think it won't matter how much I talk about it, no amount of talking will help. But here we go. In regards to my last post, Jatp has a potential to come back for a season 2. The cast is simply feeding into this too. Savannah Lee May who plays a character named Carrie made a post that's like "me scrolling through my fyp watching fantoms make great points of why we could come back" and like most of the things could mean nothing and I am not trying to say they do, but with all this going on Jatp is on my fyp again. And I saw a video that straight up reminded me of why I'm so scared if there will be a season 2. That's what I'm gonna talk about because of course it involves my aromantic head canon.

So the video was like something like "I know you all want juke back but we don't talk about willex enough" and I'm like actually yeah I so agree like willex actually doesn't really make me mad. Sometimes I'm like "eh whatever" with it but I wouldn't say it makes me feel mad the way CERTAIN ships do (*cough cough* juke *cough* relynn *cough*)

But then like most of the comments where saying Reggie needs a love interest too either Kayla (a random background character that doesn't even get named in the show but one of the writers or something reversed her name or something) who litteraly has less interaction with him than Flynn, Flynn, or a new character/anybody, like they don't name someone they just want him to have a love interest

And since I'm bias I guess I really want him to not have one even if they don't confirm his as aro having a character with no romantic love interest is so refreshing but the fans kinda low key ruin it because they act like the character is incomplete and "deserves better"

Like yeah. He deserves better but not bc he had no romantic love interest, bc you fans act like he's less become he has none and ship him with people he's never had much interaction with

And so if Reggie gets a romantic love interest crush me a little. Especially if it's Flynn or Kayla. And I'm adored the writers or whoever will pair him with them just to please fans. Which sucks.

And I want to talk about this to the fandom so they understand but I'm to afraid to say it directly but idk maybe I will. I don't know but like it genuinely is so weird and frustrating to me that's what people care about. And I don't know how to bring this up without sounding like a bitch or something and part of me doesn't care if I do but it's so important to me that I do this right and if I do make a post on my fantom TikTok it needs to be the right message

If we get a season 2, the main thing I want is a clear depiction that the bands platonic love is not inferior to the ships. And also just do right by Reggie's character.

So yea. Part of me really does hope there isn't a season 2 for the fear that either it in general will not appeal to me and ruin the show for me (I know objectively it'll be good. But on a subjective level what if I hate it 😭) and of course the whole Reggie thing. Because I know that if we do get a season 2 that's probably what will happen, he'll get a love interest bc that's what people like to see.

I've been spiraling about this Jatp thing the past 2 days. I like can't stop thinking and feeling about it.

I don't know. See I feel like I still need to talk about this but what else is there to say?

It's probably not coming back so I'm worrying over nothing.

Okay. Well. Thanks for listening. I appreciate it. I am wishing you the very very best, have an amazing day/night. Take care 💚💜

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