Love languages

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So just because I'm aromantic doesn't mean I don't have a love language, obviously bc there is different kinds of love other than romantic love.

Everyone says there are 5 love languages.
1. Words of Affirmation (ie compliments, "you're awesome" "you're amazing" "you're my best friend" stuff like that)
2. Quality time
3. Acts of service
4. Physical touch
5. Gifts

I use to think mine was quality time but there's actually a 6th love language and this one is exactly just everything. It would melt my heart and it's exactly why dancing with strangers is my favorite song of you remember me talking about that.

6. Being known.
Like someone remembering small details you tell them or even if you don't tell them they just notice it.

Like for me whenever I got a new mug I would be afraid the handle would break off so I held it like a cup instead of by the handle but with my hand inside the handle of that makes sense. Of someone just noticed I did that without me saying it I would be like 🥹

So for me maybe it's more so being noticed than being known but still pretty much the same thing.

Like I love dancing with strangers bc one of the lyrics in the main chorus is "I don't wanna be wasting all my love one somebody who doesn't know who I am"

I want someone to really truly know me.

But also at the same time being noticed is like a fear of mine. Like being noticed in the wrong way and they think I'm like really annoying or something.

Anyways the point of this, what I was trying to say, is that just because someone is aroace or anywhere on that spectrum doesn't mean we don't have love languages too and knowing your love language can be very helpful in knowing what you want in a relationship/friendship.

Also I think everyone likes to receive a love language and give a love language and I think personally I like to receive being known but I like to give quality time. (I'll give whatever the person wants but this one is just the easiest for me to give)

Anyways that's all, thanks for listening. What's your love language? Hope you all have a wonderful day/night, take care 💚💜

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