Its not a love song so stop it

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I'm sorry. We're gonna talk about Jatp again.

Listen I'm gonna try and stop because as much as this show impacted by life in a good way and I'll forever be thankful for that, it also kinda messed me up and impacted my life in a bad way (ie it getting canceled, and the fandom things I've mentioned about and not like juke and how it kinda ruined the show for me bc of how fans put it on some kind of pedestal)  ANYWAYS

There's this really heart wrenching song one of the main characters wrote about his mom. It's called unsaid Emily, look it up if you wanna hear it but I'm not adding it that song is just too sad and the meaning behind it and everything.

Anyways...the song is about his mom. Right.

so thing number one, it makes me mildly annoyed when people use that song to edit shops. But ya know, for the most part I can ignore it. I'm annoyed but then I move on. What I keep thinking about recently though is one of the fucking trailers for Julie and the phantoms. The official trailer for the show.

It had unsaid Emily playing in the background for the "juke" portion of the trailer. It's not a romance song. Like if all fucking songs? Juke litteraly has their own fucking song and they had to go and use a song that was specially NOT a romance song.

In the show, Julie literally finds the song in Luke's journal and says "wow Luke I didn't know you were such a romantic" and Alex says "he's not that's actually about-" Luke cuts him off and says no one.

It's not a fucking romance song.

The unsaid Emily scene wasn't a fucking juke season. 

But now all of the sudden it's one of the things I can't stop thinking about when I watch that scene or hear that song as well the fact Julie may have gotten to help Luke get closure with his parents but because of Netflix she'll never get to help Alex and Reggie and part of me, bc my brain hates me, says that probably wouldn't happen in the show anyways because fucking romance has to be more important

I'm sorry I'm really upset for no reason I'm just going off it's been a rough day.

Basically long story short, Why the fuck did they have to use unsaid Emily in the trailer for the juke part of the trailer, use any other song for fuck sake. Like how the fuck did they manage to ruin that scence for me. Why can't I just ignore it and not let it ruin how I see things.

I also realized today I probably will never feel the same way about Jatp again as the first time I watched it. I'll never feel like that again or feel that way about the show again and I hate that because this show was everything to me and it still is and I know I have to let go of it if I want to get even close to coming back to it and seeing it like the first time again but I also can't let go of it and it's been too huge of a part in my life for me to forget all the good and bad feelings about it. I can't even explain it.

Sorry I'm all over the place. It's's not a fucking romance song or a juke thing and all it takes is one thing for me to see to change it for me and I hate that im like that.


Anyways that's all I have to say. Thanks for listening to yet another Jatp rant. It's funny, in middle school I loved the flash so much, and then after season 3 all it did was make me angry because all of the sudden it focused so much on iris and Barry's relationship and I didn't even like iris at all. I went from living the flash to ranting about it all the time and then I watched Jatp. I didn't think it would happen with this show. But I guess it did.

Okay, well I hope you all have a beautiful day or night and take care 💚💜

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