Endulging in my head canon

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So... can you guess what show I'm gonna talk about.

Listen Julie and the Phantoms is basically holding my hostage okay I need to escape but I just can't.

Anyways it a bit of an emotional time. One year ago the cast was in Paris for dreamitcon, it was the last time they were all together as of right now (I think they're all going to a convention idk where or when but it's not dreamitcon) anyways one year ago the cast was all together, and the 2 year anniversary of my fan account is tomorrow so it's an emotional time around Jatp.

And so anyways during this dreamitcon the cast each gave an ending of Jatp but you know none of them were being serious. Madison who plays Julie says it never ends, Owen who plays Alex says there's a spin off with Alex and Willie and they have a kid, you know fun answers. So they get to Jeremy (plays Reggie. My favorite little ghostie ah) and they tell him to do a serious ending since they all did silly ones and for whatever reason Jeremy decides to break my heart with the saddest ending (I love Jeremy okay he's amazing but like one year later and this still makes me wanna cry)

He said something about at least one of the guys coming back to life. And that had me like "what? Why only one? No. All or none. They need to stick together stop it" and he said they'd all do their own thing and maybe some would cross over or some of them would stay and I was NOT HAVING THAT. I was sobbing. And you're probably thinking "that's it?" Well. Yes in theory people finding their own happiness seems amazing and it is.

But...you guys probably know by now Reggie is my favorite character. Not only that he's just my favorite person. Okay. I would give that boy the whole world, a puppy, a hamster, endless amount of pizza, I turned is house that got turned into a bike shack into a pizzeria for him, I love that kid.

And in episode 9 for one moment he stops being "comic relief" (quotes bc he's always so much more than comic relief) and he gets real. He gets serious. The guys have to cross over and they're talking about the show (playing the show is their unfinished business to cross over) and Reggie just not into it and he delivers a line that as a huge Reggie protector shatters me. "Do we even know what's on the other side when we cross over. Do we all still get to hang together. You guys are the only family I have"

So clearly, Reggie's happiness is with his friends Luke and Alex. So Jeremy merely even suggesting the three of them would split up/not be together made me think right back to that scene and I'm just no. I love Jeremy and all but I will not accept that ending. I can't and I won't.

Anyways this is supposed to be about my head canon and I've been rambling about nonsense. My head canon is Reggie is aromantic. (I was gonna say aroace but I feel like aro makes more sense with his character idk I mean there's only 9 episodes and everyone has a different aro/ace experience. He's got a flirtatious personality and that doesn't mean he can't be aroace I just feel like most people aren't gonna believe he's aroace bc of that. Idk) anyways

I think he's aro because of how in the show ues he has a flirtatious personality but it's easy to see his friends are like the most important to him (or maybe I've read/wrote too many fanfics) and so maybe he's not aro romance repulsed and is open to dating but definitely either sees his friends as more important or equally important (I feel like more tho, I just get the vibe that family is everything to him)

But also, going back to the flirtatious personality thing, he could just be doing that to be funny or to fit in because he isn't ready to accept he's aro yet. He's from the 90s so I don't think aromantic would even be a word he knows.

Or like he does it bc he feels like Alex and Luke are eventually gonna get significant others and he doesn't want to get left behind so he's ignoring his aromantism just to find someone he can have as a love interest because "that's what he's supposed to do" or he can be that persons "favorite person" bc he knows he'll never be Alex or Luke's because they'll have significant others.

The thing is I feel like I need him to be aromantic. But there's a handful of reason why that will never happen

1. The show is canceled
2. Everyone wanted Carolynn (Jeremy's wife) to play Reggie's love interest in season 2 (which would also never happen bc Carolynn says she doesn't know how to act and I don't think she has an interest in it)
3. Aromantic is just an under represented identity and I don't see it as a great possibility
4. I'm pretty sure the only thing the fans care to know about what was planned for the other seasons is juke stuff so kenny/the creators aren't gonna give much information on anything else I'm guessing

And you know for those reason i could also turn around and say nothing will prove he's not aromantic and I do say that a lot and say oh it can be canon because one one can prove it wrong now but that's just not enough for me ya know? Because no one else's really is gonna go along with it and they're gonna either keep seeing him as a "less important character" bc he has no love interest or shipping him with Luke (I was guilty of that once too. Don't entirely blame them) or hoping he gets a love interest in season 2 (even though we'll never see it happen now)

And I'm probably just projecting myself and my own feeling into my favorite character.

But yeah. That's my head canon. Reggie is aromantic and I just am hoping one day kenny randomly posts "in season 2 Reggie was gonna discover he's aromantic" but that will never happen.

Anyways thanks for listening to me rant yet again about this show, but this one wasn't really an angry rant more of a brain dump rant.
Anyways that's all thanks for listening, I hope you have a beautiful day/night, take care 💚💜

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