Pointless one on one screen time

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Why do some shows do this thing where the friend group is all together in the same room and main character asks to speak to love interest alone so they step aside and the main character says something they could have said I front of the whole group, so the show really just did it so they could have one on one screen time.

Like it's kinda annoying now that I think about it.

Especially since this once scene I'm thinking of from a show that shall not be named did this and what the main character said to the love interest kinda applies to the other friends too... like I love this show and I hate that I'm talking bad about the writing, but they really could have had the conversation be diffrent if they were doing it for one on one screen time between the two. Either main character should have said it in front of all of them or main character could have said something that was only relevant to the love interest ORRRR what I felt like would be a really good idea was the love intrest pull main character aside and thank her again for something she did for him (specifically him) in an ear isle episode.

Like. Now I'm gonna hate that scence forget because now my brain sees it as playing into the amanormativty and putting romance above friendship and stuff. Like I don't want to hate anything about this show and I'm trying to like undo it and forget about it so I can not hate it but I don't know if that's ever gonna happen.

Like I hate saying "I hate being aroace" becuase I don't want to say that and have other aroace people hate it to or think it's not okay to be aroace but sometimes I really do hate it because as much as a part of me says "oh it's fine so what everyone else is obsessed with romance. You aren't so you're better" (obviously I don't really think I'm better than everyone else just because I don't like romance. I just don't know how else to say it) I can't help but blame my self and me being aroace and romance disfavored for making me hate aspects of my favorite show ever.

And it doesn't help the more popular something is that I already don't like, the more I hate it. I don't like romance to begin with, it being so popular makes me hate it more.

Anyways, pointless one on one screen time is just stupid. If you want them to have one one one screen time make it special to the two of them not something that the other friends could also do to becuase all that does is continue to put romance on a pedastol and leave out friendships and make them seem less valuable or like people love their friends less than their love interest.

That's all. Thanks for listening, have a beautiful day and take care 💚💜

No actually I have more. Well not really I'm just mad or upset or whatever.

Like literally why? 

Like they could have made the conversation go any differently and and if they wanted her to bring up her mom so badly bc her brother was easdroping and all that she could have said it to all of them and then pulled love intrest aside to have their precious one on one screen time.

I feel like romance in real life doesn't make me this mad. It's only in media/books/tv. Maybe it's because I'm not exposed to it as much in real life, but like fictional romance can like disappear and for me I'd be like "OMG THANK YOU" and everyone else would lose their minds and be all upset. Which K get everyone likes what they like and I'd be upset if my favorite genre disappeared so I feel bad for hating fictional romance so much but it's not like mystery books create some dumb unspoken hierarchy of love where friends aren't as important as lovers and characters without a love interest are incomplete or under valued

Okay I'm done now. I should do my homework. So thanks for listening again, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night. Take care 💚💜

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