Who needs a prince charming

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You guys get the exclusive. I mentioned early I'm writing a story I wanna someday publish and it has two aroace characters and a QPR. I'm not putting the full story on wattpad but here is something I just wrote that it's probably the biggest "aroace" scene in the book I guess idk. I just wrote it so this might not be the final version when I end up publishing it but I wanted to share it with you.

Anyways for some context: Piper is a teenage aspiring author, or she was. She lost motivation for the book she was trying to write and just all motivation general. After trying to kll herself she wakes up in said book she was working on and her characters know she's the author and that they're fictional and all that and they tell her she needs to finish the book before they all disappear and die. That's essentially all you need to know for this little excerpt. I know it's probably cringy to make the main character an author but I kinda like the plot and feel like it really works. Also I use to post original content on here out stopped because I'm too afraid of people stealing and plagerisng my work or that if I put it in here I won't be able to publish it so like please just...don't steal my idea for my story please. I'll cry. Thanks.

Also side note Pipers book is actually inspired by a book I wrote in middle school. The first 14 chapters are here on wattpad. It's called the woodland mansion. The characters are completely different but it's the same concept of like being in a magical forest. I might put the whole book in here becuase I don't wanna publish it anymore so I feel more comfortable putting it on here now. Anyway, enjoy the story 💜

Owen was talking with Prince William, getting to know him more, and he seemed happy. Really happy. Rosie and Caroline were also sitting together, talking and smiling, falling in love. Piper sat by the fire typing away on the laptop trying to finish the story, paying no mind to the lovers because yes it was a part of the story, but never the focus. To her the plot held much greater things, and greater friendships, than any romance could give.

Finn on the other hand, couldn't help but watch as his friends fell helplessly in love. He was happy for each and every one of them. He always wanted this for Owen. He said it himself that there might be a prince in these woods for him. But now that he's seeing their happily ever after unfold, he's not sure if he'll make the cut. He won't be a part of their happily ever after, and he'll never have is own happily ever after because it was supposed to be with Owen. If Owen's with his Prince Charming, where does that leave him?

He never thought he'd feel an emptiness because of is lack of romantic attraction or want of a romantic relationship. He never felt empty because he always had Owen. Now he's seeing a reality where he won't always have him, and it leaves him feeling completely empty and cold. He's afraid he's being cut out of Owen's life for good, and he was almost willing to let the blade slice him if it meant Owen could have the happily ever after he wants.

Still, the fear of losing his best friend lingers like the taste of sour candy. Will he lose Owen to romance?

"How...how are you ending the story?" Finn looks over at Piper.

"You know I can't tell you." Piper says not looking away from her screen, her fingers dancing along the keyboard doing their magic.

"Can you at least tell me if it's a happy ending?" Finn says. "Will...will we all still be together or..."

Piper stops typing, feeling a pang in her chest hearing the break of sadness in his voice. The character that was always smiling and happy. She looks over and Finn and sees his sad eyes were a window into what he was feeling, and Piper knew that feeling very well. She lived with that feeling everyday.

"I promise you, you will have a happy ending. And I promise you that it will be with Owen and the rest of them. And if me telling you that destroys the integrity of the story so be it, it'll be worth it to not let you sit there in fear. I've been there. It's not fun."

"You're aroace too?"

"Yeah. It's how I wrote you so accurately, you really think an allo person could have written you?"

Finn laughs and Piper smiles, glad she could give her characters something she knows she'll never have. A kind of connection like that, a connection so deep but not romantic, something so special and comforting. A connection that only the people who have it knows exactly how it feels, something unique and heartwarming. It was beautiful to Piper, it was amazing, it was everything.

"Hey, whatca doing over here Prince Dork." Owen comes over sitting next to Finn, shoving him over a little with a smile.

Finn chuckles. "Nothing just keeping her royal authorness company." He was feeling better now, less empty. "I saw you talking to Prince William."

"Yeah, yeah he's pretty cool." Owen says.

"Cool? Is that all you're gonna give me?"

"I mean he's great and all, and I really like him, but what do you want me to say? That I'm gonna pack my bags and run off in the sunset with him? I mean he may be Prince Charming but he has nothing on my Prince Dork."

That's all! Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed! Also side note Prince Dork is a nickname referencing an earlier conversation Owen and Finn have, it may feel random here but it's a reference to something earlier.

Anyways thanks again for reading, I'm so excited to write this book and I wanna give good representation so if you have any notes of things I should change I would love to hear them. And I'm like really scared putting this out here please please don't steal. I know if someone reading this really wanted to steal it me saying please won't do anything but I just have to say it.

I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Take care 💚💜

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