What do I do

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So I probably am thinking too far ahead with this but its a thought that once it crosses my mind it stays for a while. It's sorta like a fear I have in regards to publishing my books.

I hope and plan to have at least a-spec rep in all my books, and the two WIPs I have now have homo relationships.  So there's a decent amount of Lgbtqia+ rep in my books whether it be big or small.

In No Regrets, there's two guys who are dating but honestly like the story isn't about either of them so it's only mentioned that they're dating. You barely see them interact and when they do it's not romance or anything. Idk how to explain it but the most romance there is with these two is Noah saying he has a date with his boyfriend. And then he goes on the date but the reader doesn't get to read that.
And then of course there's rue and Reggie who are aroace coded.

And then my other WIP has a lesbian couple which the reader will get more romance from than the gay couple in No Regrets. Oh and there's another gay couple too, but again nothing huge. I don't even know if they'll officially get together yet. And there's two Aroace characters. Literally I think there's no straight characters in this WIP except the villian but his sexuality technically isn't named so he could be anything.

Anyways, the point it there is Lgbtqia+ rep in my books.
Books my family will want to read.

Now, my dad? Don't really care. I think he's cool with it. He said he and my mom and talked about it before and if any of us kids were gay they'd support us. (My dad doesn't know I'm aroace. I honestly don't care telling people I never want a relationship but I'm scared to actually tell them I'm aroace) so my dads cool.

My younger sister? She's cool too, she's in the lgbtqia+ community.

My older brother? He's homophobic because he thinks it's a sin and I told him it's in my books so he won't read them which is fine. He isn't a huge reader anyways so he probably wouldn't like them regardless of the lgbtqia+ rep.

My older sister? This is where I start to care. My sister isn't homophobic or anything...or at least she doesn't try to be. She's one of those "I don't care just don't make it your whole personality" and being aromantic is a huge part of one of my characters personality....like there's a few scenes where his aromantism is a big theme for the scene.

I also just don't want her to judge me. Like...even if she doesn't mind it being in there I'm afraid of her asking me why I put it in there. Like...idk I just wanted to?
So she might judge me. She might not. If she doesn't great. If she does, I'm nervous.

And here's the worst one. My grandma. Like my brother, she's homophobic and hates it and thinks it's sinful. The only difference is unlike my brother she actually has authority over me. (I hate to admit that honestly. I hate authority honestly) and like if she's just upset about it then like fine I don't care but if she gets mad at me for it and tells me I can't do it or something like I'll get so upset or like I don't know how to describe it.

But she's gonna read my books. And she will have something to say about it. And nothing good.

So, should I be upfront with her and say "hey my book is out now I'll give you a copy but there's gay stuff, I know you are against that so I'm telling you now" or something like that or should I just not tell her, give her the book and see how it plays out.

Also, since her reasoning is like "man should be with woman, not man"  I almost feel like she won't even care if my characters are aroace until she learns that it's a part of the lgbtqia+ community then she might be like "oh they just have a name for everything" or "that's made up"

It's like "oh they don't want a romantic relationship? Oh ok. Oh wait they're aroace? Why is there a name for it? It's like a gay thing? That's not okay"

I don't know. I know for sure she'll have a problem with my same sex couples though and if and when I have a trans character she'll be mad.

But yeah so like when the time comes and I publish my book, should I tell her before hand or just let things happen?

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