Shipping real people (again)

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Oh my gosh seriously today is not the day for this it's never the day for it but like I just got done being upset over something else (just driving problems. I'm still learning how to and it's not going well) so when I scroll on TikTok to numb my brain I don't wanna see A WHOLE ASS ACCOUNT on TikTok that just ships LITERAL CHILDREN.   FIFTH graders. Theses kids are in elementary school.

Now I don't have full context but it might be run by another 5th grader who goes to that school. It's all kids from like the same school. (They do teachers too)

So they show two pictures and ask if you ship or dip them. And they have in their bio to message them for requests so it very well could be people submitting themselves with their crush which isn't has weird but it would be weird if one fight grader submitted two random 5th graders for all of TikTok to be asked if they ship them or not.

It's not a huge account so it's not like a lot of people are seeing this but like it's just weird.

Shipping children should be illegal.

I just can't comprehend this concept. Like they're real literal children. If I was in goth grade and I saw my yearbook picture on the interment with some other guy in the 5th grade asking if they shipped us, no matter what the comments said I'd be weird out. I'd be weirded out if there were no comments bc just posting that would weird me out.

So yea. That's all I have to say. Thanks for listening and I hope you have a spectacular day/night. I'm wishing you all the very best, take care 💚💜

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