"It was so long ago"

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So there's this movie I use to watch as a kid with mainly my sister but I mean all my siblings have seen it. It's called 16 wishes.

So basically if you haven't seen this movie these two girls have the same birthday, they aren't related or anything but they just have the same birthday and the movie takes place on the day of their 16th birthday.

This one girl Krista for some reasons has like a personal vandeta  against the main character Abby. Krista hates Abby. And towards the end of the movie we finally found out why she hates Abby.

In third grade, Abby basically stole Kristas best friend. Some dude. I don't remember his name but Abby became best friends with him and then krista was left out.

And people are like pressed because it was in third grade and she should get over it. Like yes, sure it was a long time ago, but you know I'd be mad too! Abby stole her best friend! I would be mad at my best friend for ditching me and at Abby for stealing them and both of them for leaving me out.

Like yes, I get why people are like "it was a long time ago get over it 🙄" but what if they were in highschool and she stole her boyfriend and she was still mad about it years later?

It's just like to me when people are like "oh just get over it" even im though it's been like a long time like I kinda understand her pain. I mean she didn't need to become some rude snarky mean girl about it sure, but I'd have an internal grudge too. I just wouldn't act on it because I don't like confrontation 

So it's just like that thing when people are like "oh get over it" it's like not seeing the value in friendship and how hurt Krista probably was and still is because friendship isn't something you can always just get over.

Anyways. That's all I have to say, thanks for listening and I hope you all have a beautiful day/night. Merry Christmas Eve Eve to those who celebrate! Take care everyone 💚💜

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