Confused Aro stuff

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Alright like I knew dating was complicated, but allos are really out here trying to make it complicated. (not all allos but you know what I mean)

I was minding my own business scrolling on TikTok when I come across this video of this girl talking about all the stages. Like the talking stage, the dating stage, the in a committed relationship stage, I don't know, the stages. And she has all these charts and graphs and is like, you're taking but as soon as you go on one date your no longer in the talking stage and are in the dating stage but not in a relationship yet, and this and that I don't remember the rest but like, I couldn't keep up. I was sitting there like I was in French class, not understanding a word.

Like...why can't you just communicate with the other person. Like I now it might be awkward, but like just talk to the other person and be like "hey, we've been on a few dates, do you wanna make this a committed relationship? Do we wanna slow down and go back to talking?" Or "I really really enjoyed our first date and I loved talking to you and I really see this going far so do you wanna be in a committed relationship"

Like why does there have to be charts and rules and stuff. Just do whatever you and the other person are comfortable with.

Like before I knew I was aromantic I thought I'd be besties, pals, buds, friends, whatever with the guy and then we have a deep moment of realization that we're in love and like start dating right away and get married and live happily ever after. I didn't have any charts or graphs of like "okay we went on this many now we're officially dating but not officially a thing..." Like I thought me and the guy would just talk it out. Now I don't even know if it'll be a guy or a girl or if I want it to be a guy or a girl or who they'll be or if I'll even have someone at all.

So yeah. I guess I'm just confused on why all these stages are so complicated for what feels like no reason. Like it feels like they're making some sorta game plan like in sports to like win dating 😭 like "huddle up, these are the rules and this is my master plan to get a significant other" 

Anyways that's all. Thanks for reading and have a wonderful day! 💚💜

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