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I just saw a TikTok about how if there's a friendship between a single person and a person in a relationship it's not an equal friendship bc the single friend gives more to the friendship or it's a stronger connection to them but for the person in the relationship their strong connection is with their partner and the girl said "that's just the circle of life" (btw she wasn't like saying romance is more important she was saying like that's just the unfortunate truth ya know what I mean? Like she's upset about it too)

And people in the comments were agreeing like yeah we focus so much on romantic relationships we forget about the platonic ones. I don't even think the creator of the video was a-spec but as an aroace person it perfectly describes how I feel sometimes. The friendships I have with my friends will always be more important to me than they are to them because they value their romantic relationship.

I was even tryna write a book (a fanfic actually...because I have an obsession) and I've literally been working on it for over a year now, I had to completely restart too it like it's just so sad for me to write because throughout the whole book the character is thinking and fearing his friends, his literal family and the people that mean the absolute most to him, were gonna move on with their partners and that they would always be more important to him than he was to them and he was realizing he'll never have someone like that (of course it was gonna end with his friends being like what are you talking about we love you so much and you are so important to us, but I can't like get through writing it) and to top it off this is a character I have strong emotional attachment to so him being so sad in this fic makes me so sad and I feel so guilty for making him so sad.

Maybe I will rewrite it tho as an original story to publish. Idk. I'll have to change some things around to make it work.

Anyways, we're getting off topic. I just feel like romance is so over valued above friendships/platonic relationships that it hurts even more than just aro/ace people. I mean sure single people may only feel like that while they're single and then they'll fall in love with someone and be all fine and aro/ace people will have this feeling basically forever but they still feel it and it's not a good feeling to know the people most important to you don't value you as much as you value them.

That's all I really have to say, thanks for reading and I hope you all have a wonderful day/night and remember to take care of yourselves 💚💜

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