Do I be petty

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So... this is kinda a rant? It's like not like as much of an angry rant it like a chill, "this thing kinda annoys me but not enough to hate myself for it" ya know

Anyways. One thing that's mildly annoying is when people make edits and add hashtags they had hashtags that don't really involve that hashtag. Like...(and of course I'm using Jatp as my example. Comes on you all know by now if I'm gonna talk about a show/fandom is 99.9% of the time gone be Jatp) on Jatp edits of like the ships they add hashtags for all the actors and characters in the show. Like yeah they're in the same show so they kinda relate but now I can't follow the hashtags for my favorite character (Reggie, obviously) or most of the hashtags for my favorite actor/singer (Jeremy Shada, who plays Reggie. And Fin the Human. Yeah. You like adventure time? He's Finn. Cool right? I love sharing that with people) anyways....

I can't follow those hashtags tags because they're flooded with ship edits I don't want to see. Now I can follow some of the Jeremy Shada hashtags like #jeremyshadamusic but I can't follow #jeremyshada or #jeremyshadaedits or #reggiepeters #reggiejatp because a lot of people post ship edits with those hashtags. It would be one thing if it was a ship with Reggie in it but it's not it's mostly all juke edits and it's like Reggie's not even in the edit use your own hashtags.

Like a part of me wants to make as many Reggie edits as I can and put all the juke hashtags and flood their hashtags with everything but juke but I don't even think it would be worth it because it wouldn't get enough likes to be promoted more under the hashtag than the juke edits.

Like it's just annoying. Why do they add the hashtags for people who aren't in the edit. It's so annoying to go to the Reggie hashtags and see a bunch of juke edits at the top. It probably wouldn't bother me as much if they weren't in the top, them being at the top makes it worse.

And then espically the actor hastags. What about his fans who haven't even seen Jatp!? They click on his hastags and see a bunch of edits at the top that don't even have him in it and they dont recognize the characters like it's just annoying.

And I kinda want to so badly flood all the juke hashtags with Reggie stuff but I feel like it just won't do anything or make a difference. Plus, I already was like refusing to use the Juke hashtag at all to be petty but I don't even think not using it is being petty.


I'm emotional right now too like I'm probably more mad about this than I should be.

That's all thanks for listening! You're the best 💚💜

Edit: I think I'm magic before I wrote this the hashtags were litteraly ship edits of juke at the top and right after I posted this I went back to instagram and it changed and there was less ship edits and more of like what the actual hashtag was like it was more Jeremy shada stuff like Jatp and his other shows under his TikTok and Reggie edits under Reggie hastag.

And like a good chunk of them are mine 😭

Like no way.

Like look

Those are like all mine besides the first one which sadly has nothing to do with Reggie but it's not a ship edit and the one in the bottom right corner isn't mine and it's a ship edit but it's also willex wich normally doesn't flood the Reggie has...

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Those are like all mine besides the first one which sadly has nothing to do with Reggie but it's not a ship edit and the one in the bottom right corner isn't mine and it's a ship edit but it's also willex wich normally doesn't flood the Reggie hashtag so it's fine it's one edit and then there's one more photo on there that's not mine but it still has Reggie and the rest are mine!

Again, most of these are mine! There's two adventure time ones which aren't mine but they still have to do with Jeremy and there's one juke on which is like upsetting but it's only one! Only one!! And the rest of the edits are mine! Of course for ...

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Again, most of these are mine! There's two adventure time ones which aren't mine but they still have to do with Jeremy and there's one juke on which is like upsetting but it's only one! Only one!! And the rest of the edits are mine! Of course for both of these it's just the top couple rows and I'm sure if you scroll down there will be more ship flooding but at least it's not right at the top.

This is like the happiest I've been all week!

Maybe I'm just delusion and it was like this before too. But ya know I will gladly be a little delulu. Spice up my life some with my delusions.

Okay bye again! Have a lovely day/night 💚💜

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