If im just ken was written by me, and aroace

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Side note: I can't write songs and most of these lyrics are pretty much the same I changed some of them so I didn't really write this I'm not taking credit.

Doesn't seem to matter what I do
Im always number two
No one knows how hard I try oh-oh I
I have feeling that I can't explain
Driving me insane
All my life, been so polite
Can't wait to sleep alone tonight

Cause im just Ken
If I was a girlfriend I'd be a ten
Is it my destiny to live and
Die a life of suffocating romance 

Im just Ken
Where they see love I see a friend
What will it take for them to see the love that's not romantic

That's all I'm doing lol. My school does a dance competition where all the teachers from the elementary schools, middle schools, and highschool put on a dance dumber and raise money for the arts program. Today my teachers at the high school put on their dance for us and they did barbie theme with the song "dance" or what ever it's called idk and the Ken song so the Ken song was stuck in my head but I get lyrics mixed up sometimes so what was stuck in my head was "where she sees love I see a friend" when the lyric is "where I see love she sees a friend"

So I just reversed it. Where I see a friend she sees just love. People say "just friends" and "I love you more than a friend" what if I started telling people I like them in a friend way by saying "I like you in more than a boyfriend/girlfriend way" tjst would be funny.

Anyways that's all I have to say, thanks for listening and I hope you all have an amazing day, best wishes and take care 💚💜

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