Is there still room for me in your world?

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A poem in perspective of one of my fav characters

His whole world
The melody to his harmony
The lyrics to his favorite song

His whole world.
The beat to his drums
The calming hand that takes his

My whole world
The family that I chose
The family that chose me
The ones who make me feel safe
And at home.
When they're gone, I'm homesick.

In a heart beat
I'd walk into fire with them,
I'd walk into fire for them
I'd follow them wherever they go
I'd give my life just to see them smile

But they're world is only one person wide
And I'll never be that one person
I'd expand my world for those I love
So why do other, only allow one resident

Their world is one person wide
The moves to their favorite dance
Their favorite memories, holding hands,
Screaming in museums
Late night talks,
Inside jokes
Sharing songs,

And I'm left alone 
Wondering how to get back to earth,
And when I get there,
How to convince them there's room for me
Is there still room for me?

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