I swear

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It won't get off my fyp.

How am I supposed to leave it and come back to it feeling nice and new and refreshed if it keep popping up on my TikTok for you page and then one comes up that makes me overthink it makes my heart hurt because it's putting romance a life friendship.

How do o get that outta my head if it keeps appearing on my TikTok. I don't even know that this trend is about I don't know if it's meant to put romance above friendships. I could be overthinking and over analyzing it but like still.

It's not even a trend it was just one video.

I can't let things like this take up space in my brain I should just move on but it's just hard for whatever reason.

And I like don't know what to do. Like it's just why.

Like why do people care so much. I genuinely need to start asking allos this question. Why do you feel the need to not only prioritize your relationship over your friendships but prioritize romance in fiction and put the ships a live the found family and friendship that made the show so magical in the first place.

And the thing is. I had a blind eye to romance in this show pretty much. Like I knew who were the ships were and stuff but I never thought they had priority. And then after joining the fandom and and the fans giving the romance that priority I can't unsee it. And I see it in the show now.

It's just so frustrating.  And like as much as I want to tell everyone in the fandom my thoughts on this, one I'm too scared of being called a hater (even though I pretty much am one I just wish I wasn't. I don't "hate" the romance for fun. This is not fun) or people hating me and also like they simply just won't understand it.

And I try to be empathetic. I am the exact opposite, I probably prioritize friendship over romance when really it should be like the same level. They put so much passion into romance in fiction the same way I put so much passion into friendships the only difference is there's so many of them I have to be louder about it to be as loud as they are (I tried to make a cool analogy I don't think it worked lol)

I just sometimes wish I could have the same passion for romance as I do friendship but like deep down I just can't. Because romance will always get all the love from everyone else so I have to give all my love to the friendships to make up for the love they aren't getting from everyone else.

I not only put my heart and soul into loving friendships because I love them that much but I put even more into it because they deserve more attention than they get.

I think it'll be a really really long time before I can watch the show again because I need to forget it to experience it like new again so it can have the same magic it once had but it keeps coming up everywhere and I'm afraid I'll never be able to watch it the same again.

I'm sure you all know what show I'm talking about too.  Somehow it keeps finding its way into this rant book lol 🫠

So yeah. That's all I have to say about that. Thanks for listening and I am wishing you all a fabulous day/night. Take care everyone 💚💜

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