Sometimes I hate being aro

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Sometimes I genuinely hate being aromantic and I hate that I hate it because it's not even that I hate that I don't want a romantic relationship I just hate that I hate fictional romance. And part of me feel like even if I wasn't aromantic I would still feel like this to a degree because of how popular romance is and the more popular something is, if I'm not already Super Duper obsessed with it, I'll start to dislike it and think it's overhyped. I really think I just like arguing with people and taking the less popular side as long as it's harmless or I do t already have a strong opinion before finding out what's more popular.

So it's like I sent even entirely blame me hating fictional romance on being aromantic because part of it probably is I like to argue/chose the side with less attention.

Like doors vs wheels. I don't give a crap which has more, but I'll fight to the death it's doors just because most people said wheels and were being rude to people who said doors, saying they were stupid. And wheel people tried to found tires and door hinges so like- I was fed up with team wheels. But I don't actually care what there's more of in the world I just wanted to argue with the wheel people because they made me mad. So maybe I just wanna argue with fictional romance and fictional romance lovers because there's more of them than platonic love lovers and even if people like platonic love romance will always be seen as "more" or "closer" and "highest from of connection" so maybe the little demon inside me just wants to argue that and it has nothing to do with being aromantic. But maybe if I wasn't aromantic, I would love fictional romance and be biased towards it and love it.

This is why being aroace is like 2 separate identities. Being asexual has never given me problems mostly because I just don't even think about sex or am in spaces where that's talked about. And if I am I say ew and scroll away or something. But romance is way less avoidable and it doesn't gross me out but just makes me angry and I don't know why.

I don't wanna hate being aromantic. Because there is absolutely nothing wrong with being aromantic. I just feel like I have too many strong opinions and emotions to be able to handle it I guess.

There are so many aromantics out there who love fictional romance, who love it more than real life because it's just fiction and I don't know why it's fictional romance and not real romance that upsets me the most. That's a lie actually, I have my suspicions of why it could be fictional romance but we aren't getting into that. 

Anyways I'm so jealous of the aromantics who can enjoy fictional romance because really it is everywhere and if I could just enjoy it and still be aromantic I could still give platonic love the appreciation it deserves without hating fictional romance. 

So yeah. I feel like I probably already talked about this on here so sorry if this is repetitive. Anyways I hope you all have a fabulous day, in wishing you all the very best. Take care 💚💜

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