Moment of truth

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So I was watching this YouTuber Jarvis Johnson, love him. Anyways he was watching/reacting to this show called Moment of Truth and this show, they basically ask the contestants questions during a lie detector test (off screen) and then they come on the show, there's a live audience and their family is all there too up there with them hearing then answer these questions and they're all like deep personal questions and so here's some examples.

"Have you ever taken money out of your husbands wallet without his knowledge"
"Have you ever had sexual relations with you wife's sisters"
"Have you ever felt your wife is excessively jealous of other women"
and the questions get more and more personal as you go on. If you're caught lying you lose all your money. this episode they have a couple up there and their family. The couple is soon to be married but the lady doesn't really like her fiancés family especially his mom and sister.

Anyways. They asked a question to the soon to be husband on the show "do you love your fiancé  more than your mom?"

Like why are we asking that. He says yes and the mom says that's how it should be...

And Jarvis, love him. He says he didn't like that necessarily because he doesn't like looking at love as a comparison. Like yesss. Thank you. Like I get you can actually love people more than others like it's not impossible to love people more than your parents because some people don't have a good relationship with their parents you know things are complicated but I don't think the default should be "spouse is number 1" bc really it's not bc you have a different kind of love for them.

Like if anything the only thing I can argue that your "number one love" should be is your child. Because that child is your responsibility to love and care for and protect. You have to love that child and teach that child what love is by loving them like I don't know how else to word it.

But other than that, love is just so different for the people you love and you shouldn't compare it. I love my little sister differently than how I love my older sister. Not much bc I still love them both like a sibling but I tease around and fake be mean more with my little sister and have deeper conversations with her as well and me and my older sister go and do things. We go get coffee. We complain about school and people we don't like. Idk it's just different than how me and my little sister act with each other but I wouldn't call it more or less.

But yeah. That's all. Thanks for listening, wishing you the best, have a wonderful day/night, and take care 💚💜

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