Emotional Dependence

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So I saw this TikTok and I was like omg that's so me.

This TikTok was talking about emotional dependence and this girl was acting out a scenario to show what it's like to be emotionally dependent. When you text someone you're waiting for a response and start feeling like you did something wrong or they hate you or they're ignoring you for some reason if they don't respond and you keep checking your phone for a response and when you see their active and still haven't responded it freaks you out more. And the. When they finally do respond everything is all chill again.

I was like oh that was literally me last night. I texted my friend and it took her a few days to respond but she was active and I was like so why isn't she responding is she ignoring me? And I freaked out but then she responded and I'm like okay life is good again I can breathe.

But in the video the girl was saying "why isn't he responding" and I thought nothing of it because to me that could be a boy best friend. It doesn't have to be a significant other. But the majority of the comments followed the same trend of implying a significant other or a crush or someone of that nature.

And then when I looked up emotional dependence because I was curious if I actually am emotionally dependent or just dramatic all the websites, quizzes, and articles again implied it's with a husband/wife/significant other romance type thing.

So like is there a difference between who you're emotionally dependent on and why is it only seem to be talking about romance? Is it because it's just more common or more normalized or is it that people think being emotionally dependent on your significant other is like a real thing and being emotionally dependent on your friends is not a real thing or it would be a problem or like there's n o awareness to it?

I don't know. It just doesn't sit right with me that all these websites and stuff are specifically about romance when you could be emotionally dependent on anyone.

Anyways that's all have to say about that.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm working on putting out a book I wrote in middle school called The Woodland Mansion. (I started putting it on wattpad a while ago but I was also heavily editing the original written work. Now I'm just kinda putting what I wrote in 6th grade as is, adding a little bit to make it more detailed or whatever but nothing to major I would say) it doesn't really have anything to do with being aro or ace, but The Woodland Mansion is connected to a book I'm gonna publish for real one day and that book has two Aroace characters and will touch one some themes.

Anyways if you're interested in The Woodland Mansion, it's about this girl Paige whose best firmed goes missing in the woods and then after she moves to a new town she meets three girls who's best friends also went missing in those woods so they go back to look for their friends together only to find out the woods are magic and the way out is harder than it seems and so it's like action/adventure/horror-thriller ish/fantasy. The first 3 chapters are out now.

Thanks for listening to me ramble, I'm wishing you all the best day/night. Take care 💚💜

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