No love club

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Guess what. We are ranting about a show that ISN'T Julie and the Phantoms 😱😱😱

I know I can't believe it either. Today we are ranting about a show called Outerbanks. And because I like to ramble (sorry) we are gonna have a side rant before we get to the main thing I was gonna rant about.

So fist thing is I originally wasn't even gonna watch Outbanks because I heard this girl talk about it in my math class and she said "it's about teens falling in love on an island. And other stuff." And I'm like "lol no thanks I'll pass who cares about teens falling in love"

But then one of my best friends said she wanted me to watch it and she said it was way more than teens falling in love and it had like a lot of action and was intense and stuff so I watched it.

So like basically my side rant is that girl who said it was about teens falling in love is annoying because that's beside the point of the show. The first season they literally find all this gold and it's like an action adventure type thing idk but it's like a lot of action and suspense. Not a lot of romance. I mean there is but I didn't pay much attention to it.

Anyways here's my main rant I wanted to talk about that happened in the actual show and not within fans of the show.

This dude Pope dated Kie for like a hot second before she was like "nah we good as friends" and his heart was kinda broken.
and then there was this other girl Cleo that they all met and she apparently had her heartbroken too by her now ex boyfriend.
So her and Pope have this in common, but oh the lovely little writers decided to bait and fool my little mind and aroace heart.

Cleo and Pope had a lovely little conversation about their broken hearts and started a club called the No Love Club.

This made my aroace heart so happy. I'm like "they're my fav characters now, my fav friendship. They will be my escape from the romance in the show. I'm so happy. Let me join the No love club"

I should have known better. Deep down I had a feeling, but I ignored it. I was foolishly hopeful.

At the end of the season Cleo was like "I quit the No love club" and they kissed.

Like bro.


If you were gonna have them fall in love why bother making them form a no love club and get my hopes up like that.

They could have called it the broken hearts club. Or the hopeless romantics club.

But no. They called it the no love club and then were like "haha SIKE! You really thought 🤣"

like can't we have one things. Please. Why does every fucking person need to fall in love. Like seriously.

I'm not even mad they got together, honestly I thought they were definitely gonna get together before the whole No love club thing and then my aroace took over and made me stupid thinking they'd be a power friendship and maybe even a QPR or something. I'm not that mad they kissed. I'm more mad they called it the no love club and then made them get together.

Like they could have called the club something else.
Hopeless romantics
Hope less romantics
Broken hearts
Shattered hearts
Fragile hearts
Hurt hurts
Injuries hearts
Wait to date
Slow down on love
Take things slow
Take things easy

Any of those.

And if they did any of the hurt heart ones instead of saying "I quit the No love club" Cleo cloud say "you healed my heart" that woulda been cute.

I don't know. This happened a while ago so I'm kinda over it but if I rewatch the show I'll probably be mad again.

Anyways that's all I have to say, thanks for listening. I hope you all have a great day/night  💚💜

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