I should really just get over it but for some reason I can't

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I really need to like just get over this. It's not a canon ship. It's not canon the writers took it out because it wouldn't work. So I shouldn't even be made because it'll never be canon even if the show had more seasons.

But like seriously I CANNOT STAND the ship Flynn and Reggie. (I'm sorry 😭 look I can't escape this show. It kidnapped me and is holding me hostage at this point okay. Like I don't know what to do at this point) I can't stand it.

Maybe it's because I'm projecting my aromantism onto Reggie (and sorta Flynn bc I made her demi romantic in a fanifc once). But like it just pisses me off that people ship them. Because they had one single interaction during flying solo and that's  it. The only time she can see Reggie is when he's playing with Julie so a relationship wouldn't really be able to build off of that. And EVEN if they could, like why does everyone need to have a love interest. It's so freaking ANNOYING. I'm sorry. I'm a little emotional because I saw a TikTok and it made me cry and I commented something about how like it makes me sad and I said something about not wanting romance to overshadow platonic bonds in terms of Reggie having no love interest but Alex and Luke do (I also mention that I don't have a problem with him not having a romantic love interest bc that's not my problem my problem is I don't want people to act like Alex and Luke love their love interest more bc like fuck that shit) anyways the person who made this TikTok is a fleggie shipper I didn't know that before I made the comment (the video isn't about the ship it's just about Reggie and how sometimes Alex and Luke treat him like he's stupid)

anyways. I now am like great I talked about him not having a love interest and platonic love and shit and they probably won't even get it bc they're a fleggie shipper and like this is the thing. Another one of their videos was that trend  "I'll look after you" if you're not familiar on the first slide they show people or a person who is looking after the person on the second slide and her version was like all the romantic ships and so she had Flynn and Reggie and the thing is Flynn can't even see Reggie she can't look after him why does it have to be romantic for one and two just because you put wille for Alex and Luke for Julie doesn't mean you can't repeat and use Alex and Luke and or Julie again for Reggie bc those are actually the people who care about him and love him and you could put Reggie looking after Ray that would be cute or if Ray could see Reggie 🥺🥹 that would be so sweet.

But no. Everything has to be romantic. It's so annoying I even said in my comment it's why I can't watch the show anymore bc of romance overshadowing platonic bonds.

I loved this show so much bc I loved the relationship Julie had with Flynn. I loved the relationship sunset curve had with each other. I loved the FOUND FAMILY bound in the band. And of course I loved the individual characters, the songs, and the plot with the suspense of Caleb.

ANJAKAJSK. AHHHJJ. sorry. Sorry. As i was just writing this the person responded to my comment saying something about his "chemistry" with Flynn that doesn't exist like k fucking knew they would bc people just make up chemistry where there is none.

Sorry. Sorry. I'm really mad. Not even mad. Emotional. I don't know what emotions there are but there's a lot of them and I'm feeling them intensely.

As I was saying. I loved the show primarily for the platonic bond but then when I jumped into the ocean I realized I can't fucking swim and the only thing the fish in the ocean care about are the pretty jelly fish kissing each other but guess what jelly gosh are fucking scary they can sting you and you can die. And now when I watch the show all I can think about is that. So I don't watch the show. And it sucks because I still love it, I love how it made me feel before but that will never happen again. So yay.

It's just so aggravating and I know I just need to move on and stop dwelling in these negative emotions and just like move on bc it's not even a canon ship but my brain for whatever reason hates me and likes to focus on things that make me sad angry upset and or emotional.

So yeah. Sorry for that angry emotional rant. I'm okay now. Probably. Maybe. Eventually.

Thanks for listening, I hope you all have a spectacular day/night. Wishing you the very best, take care 💚💜

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