Im aroace but...

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So like I've said on here before (and this probably won't be the last time I mention this either. Im a
little obsessed 😅) I'm a huge fan of Jeremy Shada and his music.

I attached one of my favorite songs you don't have to listen to it but it's there if you want. There's this one lyric in this song that I absolutely love.

"I must be over the moon becuase I'm not on earth when I'm dancing with you. Just to hold your hand means to much more than a kiss from any girl I've kissed before"

I LOVE this lyric. It's one of my favorite lyrics of all time and is what makes this song one of my favorites. As someone who is romance negative (almost repulsed) the idea of kissing someone grosses me out. Like maybe I'd do a kiss on the cheek but like ain't no way are our mouths touching. Im not about to share my spit with anyone 😭

Anyways that being said holding hands for me is like so cute and like if I ever have a qpr or some kind of relationship, us holding hands would just make me so happy like it means so much more to me than a kiss so like that's why I love this lyric so much and wanted to share it all with you because I kinda feel like this lyric is one some aros might be able to relate too so I wanted to share it with all you.

But also, like this is why sometimes I wonder if I'm really aromantic like maybe I'm grey romantic or Demi romantic or something because like I want someone to feel that way about me! "Im not on earth when I'm dancing with you" 🥹🤍🤍 like awwe Ohmygosh of someone said that to me I would absolutely melt.

But also ... that doesn't have to be in a romantic way. So like I could still be aromantic and not Demi because I'd rather it be in a platonic way. Ya know.

But like no one's ever gonna feel that way about me.

Like it's not that I think I'm unlovable I mean I guess I think that sometimes but who doesn't anyways that's not the point the point is I just don't think anyone would feel that strongly about me in a platonic way. Ya know?

Like this is why sometimes Jeremy's songs make me cry in the inside because they describe exactly how I feel but sub in friendship/platonic love for romance.

I could talk about more of his songs, if you guys do t mind. I have lots more to say. I could talk about bored together, will they won't they, stranger, singing in the rain, and I'm already gonna talk about dancing with strangers because that is like my favorite ever song and I feel like asexuals might be able to relate to it but I mean if your annoyed with my talking about Jeremy Shada all the time I won't talk about all these songs because like I want these to be relatable and enjoyable to read and if you don't listen to or like Jeremy Shada music these aren't gonna be as interesting or fun to read I'm guessing.

Anyways yeah. I love this song and I love that lyric and even though I'm aro I kinda want someone to feel that way about me and I want to hold hand with someone and have them know how much that means to me and it's not "less than" kissing or other actives I don't wanna do if you know what I mean.

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you have a wonderful day or night and remember to take care of yourselves 💚💜🫶🏻

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