Another pointless rant

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I know you all are probably sick of me ranting about Jatp and to be honest I'm sick of myself ranting about it. This was supposed to be my favorite show, the perfect show and lately I can't stop thinking about all the reasons I can't watch it anymore and the problems I have with it. Like I use to have absolutely 0 problems with it and now it feels like I have a million and it sucks because this show was my everything and I miss when it felt like that.

Anyways....for my pointless rant. I really shouldn't let it bother me but for whatever reason it does bother me and I hate that it bothers me but also like part of me is like no like it makes sense I'm bothered bc why do they do that?

Anyways Jatp is a musical show. So it has songs and such and you can look up the performance clips on YouTube and my issue, that I feel like I shouldn't even have because it feels so small yet whenever I see the videos pop up it makes me mad, all the thumbnails for the songs are like when Julie and Luke share a micro phone. Like I sorta get doing it for one, I may not necessarily like it because the song isn't about them. They have a song about them, so why do you need to make all the other ones about them? but I do get it.  But making every single thumbnail the part where they share a microphone? Like that is not necessary. (The only exception is stand tall I think. The thumbnail is just Julie)

Like they did it for bright, edge of great, and finally free (those are all the rest besides stand tall where they share a mic). And of course for perfect harmony but that one makes sense because they're the only two in the song ( actually that one might be just Julie too. Idk bc I never watch that clip bc I don't like the song and I feel really guilty bc the actors of Luke and Julie wrote it and everyone else is obsessed and I'm like...hmmm no thanks. Romance isn't more than friends. At least to me. So I can't enjoy the song)

Anyways like they didn't need go make every thumbnail them. Why not the whole band?

It's just annoying how not even just the fandom but the advertising for the show but then on some kinda pedestal and it's like "I really don't give a fuck" but everyone else does so it feels like I really shouldn't have a problem with it and I'm just being dramatic. But like it's annoying.

Also...Luke and Reggie did the mic thing first and in my opinion they do it better, like there's always so much energy and the way Reggie runs/skips over to Luke is so cute. (I did use to ship them but that was when I was under the amonormative mindset where "romance was more than friendship" so I was like I guess I have to ship them but now I don't and they aren't even my favorite friendship anymore lol Alex and Reggie are. And Alex Reggie and Luke of course like they're a trio, I can't just leave one out!)

Yeah so it's just annoying they make that the thumbnail for like all of them. It's like "shut up." Like does that make me a terrible person? Bruce's part of me is like I don't wanna be a terrible person but the other part is like "if this makes me a terrible person screw it I'll be a terrible person I think it's so stupid. The show isn't about them."

Okay. I'm gonna end this here. I'm trying to step away from Jatp for a while so I can come back to it one day and feel the same way I did the first time (if that'll ever happen but I doubt it) so maybe this will be the last rant (or maybe not. Who really knows) 

thanks so much for listening, I hope you all have an amazing day/night, remember to take care of yourselves and I'll see you on the next one 💚💜

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