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I found this post on instagram, so this isn't mine but I so totally agree with what this is saying

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I found this post on instagram, so this isn't mine but I so totally agree with what this is saying. I talk a lot on here about how much I don't like romance and all that, but that doesn't mean I think it's inferior. I mean for me it is bc I don't feel romantic attraction but like in sense of like society. You know what I mean. And if I ever do feel romantic attraction for someone it is possible I will love them and I've said that love is infinite for me so if I love someone (not just really like and care about but really love) then I'd love them in the same amount as my parents siblings best friends and anyone else I love. I would just love them differently.

Anyways I love how this post also says that friendship isn't a stepping stone between strangers and romance. I mean, I would prefer being friends with a person before dating them if I were to date but that doesn't mean that our friendship before hand is inferior. It just means we were on one path and now we're on another path.

So yeah. Like platonic love and romance are different and they mean different things to different people but are both equally important in society and should be represented as such.

That's all.

Thanks so much for listening, I hope you all have a beautiful day/night. Best wishes, take care 💚💜

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