The Lobster Review

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So the movie is on HBO max (and possible hulu) so I watched it last night and here are my thoughts because why not. Also spoilers for this movie.

Okay so honestly I did not finish the movie. I had like 30 minutes left but I was just so bored. And I wasn't fully paying attention either bc I was drawing while watching. And there were some explicit and intimate scenes I looked away at because ew. So TW for those scenes I guess.

Also TW for animal cruelty. After the one lady killed the main characters dog who was really his brother I couldn't stand it. Like the poor little dog 🥺 it was a brutal death.

But anyways basically in the movie you go to this hotel and you have 45 days to find your partner. Most people pair with someone who they have like a similar defining trait to so one girl paired herself with a guy because they both got nose bleeds randomly. But the guy ended up to be lying and faked his nose bleeds or gave them to himself by hitting his face against something.

If you don't find a partner in 45 days they like take all your organs and stuff and put them in an animal or something. Idk how the process works but they then you into an animal of your choice. (I don't think they show this I might have missed it if they do but I'm like 99% sure it doesn't actually show it a guy was just briefly talking about what they thought w process was)

You can extend the 45 days however by killing what they call loners. Loners escaped the hotel and live out in the woods. You kill some loners you get more days to find a partner.

Both the hotel and the loners have strict rules. You can't have any kind of romantic or sexual relationship as a loner (sign me up to be one of them) and the hotel I don't even really know what all the rules are but they put a guys hand in a toaster because he was master bating. So...that was...that was something.

What else. What else can I say about this really weird and disturbing movie.

When you find a partner they like put you on a cruise I think for two weeks and if you have any disagreements that you can't work out, they assign you a child to "fix it" (that feels toxic)

So our main character David at first gets paired with this chick who is known to be like really heartless. She kills the dog aka David's brother and he is like "oh I don't mind" but he does and she finds out he does and gets all mad at him for lying and was gonna rat him out and have him punished but he ends up escaping and joining the loners.

And this is where I really stopped paying attention at all but apparently he was like falling in love with another loner (which isn't allowed.) so idk.

But someone made a TikTok about the movie that I watched because I didn't wanna finish the movie and she said it was like a representation in how we as a society put like a lot of time and like...priority into finding a partner and getting married and having kids in the first half and the second half was more of a commentary on how relationships can be unhealthy and dangerous (apparently David almost/potentially blinds himself to connect with this lady he's in love with in the loner community)

It's just not my kind of movie honestly I couldn't get into it especially after they killed the dog. That was graphic.

Buy yeah. I kinda agree like why do we put so much importance on marriage and having kids like that is everyone's top goal in life because really that life isn't for everyone. And relationships can be very unhealthy at times if they are causing you to literally harm yourself or others to maintain or get a relationship.

So yeah. Those are my thoughts. I give the movie like a 6.5/10. Not bad.
So thanks for listening and I hope you all

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