Just Friends

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Trying something new and this is sorta gonna be like on a poem like format. I'm not a poet, so this may not flow well and it definitely won't rhyme much

Just friends
I don't know why this phrase offends me.
Just friends.
The word "just" undermining our friendship that means everything to me
You say lover is the greatest form of love
I say best friend

I understand what's important to me may not be as important to the rest of the world but,
When you say "just friends"
It's like our friendship means nothing to you at all

Just friends.
As opposed to lovers
But to me there's nothing more amazing in this world than being your best friend
Being there for you when the guy you're with inevitably lets you down
Being there for you when you need support
Being there for you to answer your 3am calls
Laughing with you
Making memories with you
Loving you more than I could ever love myself
Loving you more than I know you probably love me
Because I'm your "just friend"
But I wouldn't say that's "just friends"

I don't have a lover
I don't want a lover
And if I ever do find that person who makes me feel the same way you do about a guy,
I'll never love them as much as I love you

Just friends, you say
As opposed to lovers
Because you put lover over friend
But I'd put you above lover any day
You say just friends, I say just lovers
Because to me, our friendship mean everything
And to you it's just a small, unspecial, part of life
But to me there's nothing more special

I respond within seconds
Because I have no one I'd rather text
You respond hours, or even days later,
If you respond at all
"Seen 2 hours ago" makes my heart fall

I text you and tell you about my day
because I love talking to you
You text me and ask for help on the homework
Because we're "just friends"

I don't know why that term offends me
I look back in old stories I use to write
I curse myself for using that phrase in my stories
I lacked a better phrase
Just friends
That kind of writhing deserves no praise
We need a new phrase

Why is it just friends when it was me who was there for you,
When you were over your toxic boyfriend
Why is it just friends when you're the reason I wanna still be around
Why is it just friends when you're my whole world
And I'm just a small part in your world

You're not my "just friend"
You're not my lover
You're my best friend.
The highest title I can give to someone
And you tare it apart and say "just friends"

So, that was a little different than what I normally do but I hope you enjoyed it, I'm not a very good poet I am horrible at rhyming and flowing but I hope this turned out okay! I guess all that matters is I get my feelings across.

So yea, that's all I have to say thank you for reading, I hope you all have a marvelous day or night, remember to take care of yourselves and always stand tall 💜💚🫶🏻

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