Walk you home

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So I don't know how big of a trend this was but a while ago there was like a trend where people would show celebrities they trust to walk them home if they were drunk.

And I thought it was like a cute little sweet thing, like I like these celebs and I think they're good people who would help and take care of me. I mean it's a little weird because their still strangers and I'd rather like my best friend or family member walk me home and not a celebrity even like my favorite one because I just feel like me personally would be embarrassed.

Anyways that's not the point. The point is, a while ago I saw a video and someone did two actors from a show, and like someone else famous and someone commented "well what about so and so" because he was also an actor from the same show as the other two. And the creator was like "but he's married"

Like I didn't realize walking someone home whose drunk was a romantic thing 😭

Like if it was a romantic thing that means my old favorite ship form my old favorite show (shocker, it actually isn't Jatp. It's a different show I don't watch anymore because it's gotten too boring and I don't really ship the two anymore because I don't really care about ships anymore because I know I don't have to) anyways he took care of her and brought her home when she was drunk and everyone was like "they're just friends" but apparently talking care of someone when they're drunk is only for romance.

Nah but in all seriousness maybe that's just the persons preference or something or the point of the trend was for it to be romantic. Im not trying to rain on people's parade and say it's not romantic I'm just saying doesn't it doesn't have to be.

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