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Tangled has always been one of my favorite Disney movies I love Rapunzel I love the esthetic  and everything but I haven't watched it in a while because I was afraid I'd hate it because with how I've been feeling about fictional romance lately. I just watched it again with my little sister and I'm so happy to say I didn't hate it.

I mean sure, I probably didn't get that same feeling most allos do about romance or whatever but it was still that Disney movie I watched growing up about a girl getting to live her dream. The movie I loved. The romance didn't take away from anything.

And the light scene actually almost made me cry.

Like it's so beautiful. Their voices are beautiful. The lights are beautiful. She got to live her dream. Just ah. Perfect.

And like part of me is a little sad I'll "never get to have what Eugene (Flynn) and Rapunzel have" but also part of me like it sounds like a lot of work to be honest lol. Like I want something like that maybe...but like ✨platonic✨

Also I think I cracked the code for if I hate fictional romance or if I actually like the ship. Because in Tangled I kinda do like Rapunzel and Eugene's relationship and the biggest thing is well first off to me it's a movie about a girl living her dream and escaping her kidnapper and all that but also there really isn't a lot of other relationships we see in the movie besides these two.

Sure there's the people they meet and Ugly Duckling's but we don't get a lot of screen time with them and then there's Maximus and Pascal  which aren't humans. So Eugene and Rapunzles romance isn't taking away from the plot OR and other friendships. There isn't another member of their friend group feeling left out or I'm afraid is feeling left out.

So I think in order for me to not hate a certain ship there's certain "rules" I guess which makes me sound like so complicated and extra but you know. Maybe I am extra.

1) I have to either really like both characters involved in said ship or one of them has to be my all time favorite character (and of course it has to be a healthy, non toxic relationship that's a given)

2.) if my all thin favorite character isn't in this ship they either have to be in another ship and happy, or it has to be declared they are perfectly happy not in a relationship like if they're aroace or just chillin being single but it had to like directly say they're happy and not feeling left out so I know. Otherwise I have to assume they do feel sad/lonely/left out because their best friend(s) are always on dates and stuff and not with one of their best friends.

3.) if my all time favorite character is feeling left out they need to have a whole subplot or plot we're it gets solved and their friends tell the character that they're just as important as their significant other

4.) can't have a character I hate. Even if it has one of my all thin favorite characters in the ship, if I hate the other character I hate the ship and want my favorite character to find someone better even if the relationship isn't really that toxic. I'm bias. I'll find reasons for the ship being toxic somehow.

5.) romance can't be the main focus, can't be forced, it has to be reasonable and make sense, probably best it's not involved in a love triangle, and fans of ship better be respectful of those who don't ship because if they aren't I may start hating the ship.

Jeeze. So complicated and for what lol. We were talking about tangled and now all of the sudden I'm listing all these rules like a maniac lol.

Well. It is 1 am where I am. And I just have the beautiful movie of Tangled on my brain. This and Brave were like my favorites when I was a kid. Merida, what an icon. No love story there. Just a girl mending her relationship with her mom. As someone who didn't always get along with my mom I related to Merida and it didn't have a sappy love story. And tangled. What's not to love. And like I always kinda associated the movie with the color purple and purple has been my favorite color for the longest time.

Ok so that's all I have to say, thanks for listening to me ramble and I'll see you on the next one. Wishing you all an amazing day/night, take care💚💜

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