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I'm never leaving my house again. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me guys don't actually do this...it's this just one fictional guy right? Please.

I'm probably overreacting.

But. 🤢😭

I've been in a Colleen Hoover hate craze I guess. I've been watching YouTube videos about people making fun of her characters and such and it makes me feel better in a way that I'm not the only one who thinks her books are creepy and not romantic.

But she's like famous on TikTok, there are lots of people out there eating her books up like little worms, taking book worm to a whole new level. My SISTER reads her books. How? Like...

I kid you not. The guy in one of their books DISCREETLY took a picture of a random girl they barely even met, sent it to his friend, wanted to say "she's volcanic" instead of she's hot, but knew his friend would make fun of him but what he actually says is way worse "she's gonna have all my babies"

Jail. Prison. Solitary confinement. For the character and anyone who finds that romantic.

I can't believe I just wrote that 😭 like I feel so vile. I didn't say it I'm just quoting her book.

I feel bad because I shouldn't hate on what other people love and I'm a firm believer in how unfair rude and mean it is to judge someone based on what they're into. But I just can't work this or any kinda smut honestly. Like why?

My stomach hurts.

I just...like this goes against everything I believe butI just don't trust people who enjoy reading and writings it especially if it's weird and creepy and they think it's romantic and if it's all they read and can't stand if there isn't smut or read like literally only smit scenses.

Ew. I hate the word too I keep saying it and just the word makes me feel sick.

I feel so dramatic and childish right now but like... the word itself makes me feel sick. Intense kissing makes me feel sick. And the fact people read you know what makes me feel sick. Like I am not even trying to be mean, but at the same time it's like no I'll be mean. How do people read this stuff. Like actually? My asexual brain can't comprehend it.

Like back to what I wanted to say about the creepy thing the character said..."she's gonna have all my babies" um...ew. No. What if she doesn't wanna get pregnant? What if she doesn't want kids? What if she can't have kids, what if she's infertile? What if she's gay or asexual? You just met her. What if she's an axe murder!? You want an ace murderer to have your kids?

Also what's it with men and saying "the mother of my kids" or "have my kids"
Sir (and I say sir with disrespect) they are her kids too. I mean she carried them in her freaking stomach for 9 months.

What's worse is this is the book I mentioned in the first part where they have a kid and sexualize their baby practically.

It gets worse. They are step siblings.

I need to stop talking about this I'm sorry I cursed you all with this knowledge. I'm sorry. I hope this doesn't ruin your day and I'm wishing you the very best day/night. Take care 💚💜

Edit: No because litterally how.

It's times like these I really really in touch with my asexual side of me (being aroace is really like being two separate things aro and ace)

Like I just...I can't comprehend how people read those scenes. This started out has a Colleen Hoover hate thing rant thing but no I'm talking in general...those scenes with that's called that gross word I don't like...

How do people write those and not feel vile? How do people read those and not throw up?

I'm scared.

I'm actually scared. Like there's more of them than there are of us. Even if I'm not alone in feeling sick about these scenes...people are just gonna call me like a hater or like say I'm trying to shame others for liking it or that I think I'm better than them because I don't read that stuff...

I'm gonna be honest...there's a significant part inside me that's like "yeah im better for not reading that" and I know that's probably terrible to think and say but like...how is it morally okay to watch fictional characters on tv or read about it but watching real people do it is creepy? But watching fictional characters isn't? Like I get their fictional but like...it's like the same thing.

I wouldn't actually try and make someone feel bad for reading that on purpose or try and act like I'm better than them to their face or anything but like...in my head it's just creepy and perverted and im sorry like...I know people like it and it's not any of my business but now I can't stop thinking about it.

Okay I'm sorry.  I need to calm down. It's not that dramatic. So I'm gonna go to bed now... goodnight or good morning if you're in the morning or good afternoon, have a wonderful day. Take care 💚💜

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