TVD doesn't make sense

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So I watched The Vampire Diaries a while ago and honestly this is another thing that should have told me I was aromantic because the show is technically a romance show with Elena and the Salvatore brothers or whatever but I loved it because of the action, suspense, the gore/violence/ and like the fantasy of it like the vampires the werewolves and witches and all that. And one more reason I love it is Caroline's character growth. I went from hating her in season 1 to her being my favorite character in the show and now when I look back on season 1 I don't even hate her in season 1 anymore becuase I understand her. She's one of my favorite characters of all time. Including season 1. Anyways the romance just flew by me and I didn't care about it but then all the fans were like "team stelena or delana?" And I was like...both? Neither? What?

Anyway that's not the point. Yes I should have realized I was aro sooner because I litteraly ignored the whole love triangle in the show until someone pointed it out. The point of this is everyone is team delena (Damon and Elena) and sure Damon has character growth and he's funny I guess but he also kills people, he's manipulative, if he wasn't hundreds of years old because he's a vampire and he was just like 21 or older (like how old he was when he died) that's kinda a weird age gap especially in the early seasons when she's still in high school. Like Stefan (the other dude) died at 17 so if he was like a human and not a hundred year old vampire he'd be 17 which is how old Elena is. Much more appropriate.

Not to mention Damon litteraly compelled (like hypnotizing. Vampires can basically control other people) Caroline (Elena's friend. Also 17 in highschool might even be 16 in season 1) and like dated her and compelled her and was feeding off of her and the fandom agrees this was like creepy and weird and pretty much sexual assault. Not only was he too old but like he was compelling her, so like she couldn't really consent.

The actor who plays Damon even has said Stefan was the better brother.

Now here is my main issue that's just kinda causing my brain to freeze. If you haven't seen the vampire diaries, Elena has a doppelgänger (exact look alike) name Katherine who both Damon and Stefan fell in love with before they became vampires and she's the one that turned them. Elena looks just like Katherine so when they saw her, at first they thought she was Katherine but realized pretty much right away she wasn't.

So both at first had eyes for Elena only because they thought she was Katherine. But then Stefan like actually got to know Elena and liked her for her.

Anyways I feel like I'm over explaining. Basically there was this video that came up on my for you page on TikTok saying Stefan only loved Elena because she looked like Katherine and Damon loved Elena because she wasn't Katherine. Pretty much everyone in the comments were saying it should be reversed. (I personally don't have an opinion on this) and someone said "I'm team delana but this should be reversed" so like they're saying Damon only loved Elena because she looks like Katharine but they still ship them? Like is that not a toxic relationship?

Which reminds me. Damon the character even told Elena they had a toxic relationship.

But like back to my point, like how can you say "oh he only loved her because she looks like a past love" and then ship then. Like that is not love.

So I guess I'm just confused. Am I missing something? Did they mean something else because like what?

Anyways that's all I have to say, thanks for listening and I hope you all have a fantastic day/night. Take care 💚💜

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