Book update

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I finished my rough draft of my book No Regrets 🥳

Again, just in case any new people are reading this No Regrets is a story I'm writing about ghosts, platonic love, and an evil legion of ghosts who absorb/eat/slurp ghost souls for power. One of the main inspirations and motivations for me writing this books is to put a spotlight on platonic love and break the so called formula all world of fiction seems to have where the two main characters are romantically in love. My main characters, Reggie and Rue, are love interests but platonic love interests and it's beautiful and just as special as romance.

So that's that about my book. I'm really excited to start editing and redrafting and perfecting the book to publish it because I really wanna show a beautiful story can exist that doesn't have romance and love can be beautiful and impactful and special no matter what form it's in. Rue and Reggie's friendship is just as special as any other deep bond, it's just as special as Reggie's bond with his friends, and as Rue's bond with her friend before she died, and as Zac and Noah's, one of the romantic couples in the book (they're dating but it never really shows them dating it just says that they are so like...very very minimal romance on this story)

My point is...if there's one thing I want No Regrets to do is make those people who deeply love platonic love feel good. There's simply not a lot of stories where platonic love gets to shine because even if romance isn't the main focus it can tend to take the spotlight in fandoms. Of course I can't help people shipping characters romantically but hopefully I attract an audience that will give the platonic love the appreciation it deserves.

So yeah. That's all I have to say. I'll definitely let you guys know when I publish my book if you're interested in reading it. Oh also I will try to update the Woodland Mansion this week, I really need to get it finished so I can start updating book 2 to it, that's when the real thrill begins 👀

Anyways thank you so much for listening, I hope you all have a spectacular day, wishing you the very best. Take care 💚💜

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