My sister doesn't get it

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So my sister clearly doesn't know what it's like to have my brain and I don't think she's survive a day with my brain. I'm barely surviving with my brain. Anyways one day we were talking and I said something about how I don't like fictional romance. I didn't hate on it in front of her because I knew she wouldn't get it and I just said I performed shows that didn't revolve around romance and wished there were shows or movies with absolutely no romance at all.

She then goes to say "well they add romance to make it more interesting. What else are they gonna add? Name a show or movie that has zero romance in it." And of course I had forgotten every show and movie I've ever seen in that moment.

Well. I can't stop thinking about that and how I completely failed in a good response so here is my response now. She'll never see it but maybe it'll put my mind at ease.

What could they add instead of romance?

Friendship dynamics
Friend drama
Parent drama
Sibling drama
A treasure hunt
Two friends find out their siblings
Two friends find out their cousins
Two siblings find out they aren't actually blood siblings and they've been lied to
Someone gets kidnapped
Someone's dog can talk
Flying monkies
Kid gets kicked out of school
Someone gets fired from work
Friend betrays friend
Sibling betrays sibling
Someone reveals they are a fish
Old friends who are now enniems have to work together and escape something together

As you can see, the list is infinite. Whatever your mind wants.

Now for movies/shows that have no romance

Home- a movie about aliens known as Bouvs take over earth and a girl teams up with one to find her mom. If people ship this teen age girl (middle school/early highschool) with this alien I'm gonna be shocked and disappointed in humans.

Brave- I guess you could say there romance with Merida parents but you don't really see that and I don't really count parents because they're like your parents ya know Idk. Anyways Merida is an aroace icon.

Moana- I guess again you could say her parents, but again they are her parents idk I just I don't count parents especially if the movie is like in the kid's perspective if you know what I mean. Moana and Mouie are not a thing okay if people ship them I'm gonna be like "why?"

Wonder pets- my childhood favorite show. Little baby animals saving other baby animals. That's all there is too it.

Inside out- there's a little at the end with this boy but there's no romantic tension or anything Riley just hands the boy his water bottle and his emotions sound this alarm it's weird but other than that it's about joy and sadness getting back to headquarters with Riley's core memories

So yea.

Also her going "name a show or movie that doesn't have romance?" As if proving all movies have romance doesn't make her argument better jt just helps my point with the fact there should be more shows without it.

Anyways that's all, thanks for reading, remember to take care of yourselves and have an amazing day/night 💚💜

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