Baby aroace me

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When I was a kid, like 5th/6th grade I had this shirt. It had a pencil with an eraser each with a face and I guess they were kinda looking at each other like "😍" and it said "opposites attract"

I was so confused because like I didn't know "attract" was talking about like romantic attraction. I was thinking like magnets. Opposite sides of magnets attract, or pull together, like literally a drive pulls them together. And the eraser was already attached to the pencil so I was like "what do you mean attract, you're already attached that's how a pencil comes" and so I asked my mom like what does it mean opposites attract?

And my mom tried to explain to me like "oh a pencil writes and an eraser erases so they're opposites" and I'm like yeah no I know what opposites are but what does attract mean? And I never understood it. I just wore the shirt because it was purple, my favorite color.

I don't know if I didn't know what attraction was because I was young or I took things too literally or it's because I'm aro and I don't understand romance.

Anyways that's all I have. Hope you all have a wonderful day, remember to take care of yourselves and thanks for reading 💚💜

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