Not Lovers

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I'm so exited so I'm writing a story to one day publish I'm actually working on two at once, I kinda just work on which ever one I'm feeling the most and then there's some others I have ideas for and they're all comma be connected like the marvel verse or something I don't know but that's not what I'm gonna talk about today.

One of the stories I'm working on has two main characters and the story is told in both their POVS. One is a boy and one is a girl and their best friends and they both are aromantic.

Anyways there's this scene where on of the antagonist, Rosalie is talking to one of the main girl character and she insults the guy like saying it's pathetic he doesn't have a romantic partner and she also calls her that too and she just responds that she has more important things to do. And in her inner monologue she's like "why are people's value or importance determined by their relationship status? I mean sometimes I feel like I'm the only sane person on the planet because I'm not fooled by romance. That's what I love about him, he gets it."

And ah I'm just so excited about it because I think I've said more than once on here how angry it makes me when people see characters as less important or less of a main character with less depth and story because they don't have s love interest. And she calls that out and that's why these two characters have such a strong platonic bond. They both get that. And there's other reasons too but one of the biggest is that connection they have with not wanting romance.

I'm just a little scared people are gonna ship them so I try to make it clear that neither of them are interested in romance and deeply love each other in a platonic way but just because it's platonic doesn't mean it's less than romance . I want to make that crystal clear but I also don't wanna be annoying with how much I say they aren't interested in romance even though it's a big part of the emotional plot line. (There's kinda two plot lines, an emotional/relationship kind of one and a more action one.)

But also like I feel like the only people who would be annoyed are people who are either aphobes, people who ship the main characters, or people who don't think platonic love is as important as romance so they can all be annoyed. Like part of me wants to annoy them but also like I don't wanna annoy them.

But yeah. That's one of my stories I hope to write out completely and publish in the real world.

With every book I publish I want them to have some kind of representation in the aspec community where it be small or large, important to the plot or not.

So yeah. Thanks for listening. I just got really excited about what I was writing and wanted to share. So I hope you all have a wonderful day or night,
take care 💚💜

Edit: I just added to that inner monologue part "he gets it. Everyone else I playing chess and me and him are inventing our new game, one just for us"

I normally hate what I write but if I was reading this as a reader I'd be so happy. Like. Awe.
Okay but that's all you're getting from this story for now.

Bye. 💚💜

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