Ranting about my favorite show again

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I might actually lose my mind if I see one more person say they canceled Jatp or were waiting so long for the renewal (that never came) becuase Madison was a minor and they wanted to wait till she was 18 to explore the romantic scenes with Julie and Luke.

It. Wasn't. A. Romance. Show.

Maybe I'm just being bitter or immature but they have came out and said the reason was because Jatp was a kids show and the kids program shut down in 2020 and every kids show made that year was canceled. That's what they said.

And they went a whole fucking season without touching minus a daydream dance sequence and the very end were the all hugged. Like they can work around the whole thing they don't need to touch or even kiss that just wasn't the reason.

And even if it was the reason I still don't wanna hear people say it because that's a stupid stupid stupid reason to cancel a show especially since it wasn't a romance show. Like shut up. I do not care about their relationship I didn't care from the start but the more people talk about it like it's "more" makes me hate it. I didn't wanna hate it but now I do and it sucks because it makes it harder for me to watch the show the same way.

I use to be so in love with this show because the band (all four members of the band not just Julie and Luke) had such a close bond and it was this cute found family trope I didn't know I'd love so much. "We're the only family we're ever gonna need" "you guys are the only family I have" "they were my friends. My band. My family" that's what I lived for.

The connection sunset curve had with Julie was so special and to me it felt like the most amazing thing and was everything I've ever longed for in life. It was the exact closeness I wanted with my friends and the people around me.

And then people go and only talk about Julie and Luke and their connection and how special that was and basically implying that it was "more"

Maybe I'm just getting all upset for no reason. And it's not that deep and I shouldn't be so mad and people still care/talk about the other relationship with the whole band but people mainly talk about Julie and Luke and it makes me wonder

What the fuck makes romance so much more important.

Obviously I can't read minds so I don't know peoples true opinions/thoughts but from what people talk about the show it seems the majority mainly talk about and love Julie and Luke and it wasn't even a fucking romance show.

And I don't know what to do now because I miss this show so much and I want to watch it again but I know if I do I'll just get annoyed with all the juke scenes and I don't wanna do that I just wanna watch it the way I did the first time but now whenever I watch it all I can think about is how what Julie has with Luke is "more" than what she has with Alex and Reggie and it's not fair because I want to see more of her friendship with those two and then Luke litteraly knew Alex and Reggie for like forever and you're gonna say what he has with a girl he just met is "more"

Not to mention she's a live and he's a fucking ghost so realistically she'll keep aging and he won't and that's weird. Sorry I'm going off now.

And then people also talk about Willie and Alex a lot which doesn't annoy me that often because I don't see it as often and I don't feel like people are calling it "more"

And then Reggie doesn't have a love interest which is fine and I head-canon him as aromantic and wish season 2 confirmed that but it probably wasn't going to because originally he was supposed to have Flynn (Julie's bff) as a love interest but they took that out of the script and I'm glad they did because that makes even less fucking sense bc Flynn can't even see Reggie the whole time because he's a ghost and only Julie can see them all the time. And Flynn was telling Julie the whole time she shouldn't fall for Luke because he's a ghost and it wouldn't work so Flynn wouldn't fall for a ghost.

And like people act like him not having a love unrest makes him a less important character or something and that's so stupid. They were like Reggie needs a love interest in season 2
Like Reggie's just as important he doesn't need a love interest to be important and like it's just agghhh so annoying

And like since my brain is like interpreting people saying Julie and Luke are "more" my brain also like subconsciously is like oh well Alex is okay because he as Willie but what about Reggie like in my brain Alex Julie and Luke are like his everything but then since Julie and Luke have each other and Alex has Willie I'm like who sees reggie has everything (besides me because reggie does t really know I exist and I can't let him know he's my everything) and then I feel really bad for him because I'm scared he's sad and lonely and it's just ahh.

And like there will never be a season 2 to develop the relationships like not just the romantic ones all of them but even if there was a season 2 I fear they'd only focus mainly on the romantic ships because apparently that's all anyone cares about and it's so annoying

Like I don't even know what else to say.

Can we please have more aro rep or just shows that don't focus on romance and then have the fandom not make it about romance. Can we stop making romance seem like "more"

Sorry for ranting about my favorite show so much lol. It's really the fandom I'm ranting about I guess. I don't know anyways thanks for listening. I hope you all have a wonderful day/night 💚💜

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