Wait theres no way this happens in real life...right

30 1 14

So. While back I made a Jatp edit and I was rewatching a bunch of my old edits bc I do that sometimes. ANYWAYS. It was a Nick edit to the song Mr Forgettable bc Julie called Nick the wrong name...I would add it but I can only add a YouTube video and the edits not on YouTube but it's fine

Anyways whenever I see that scene I one feel bad for Nick bc like ouch but I also kinda laugh bc there's no way a real person would call someone their crushes name just because they were thinking about them. Like the only time I've seen a real person fall someone the wrong name is teachers calling younger siblings their older siblings name and old people at church calling my my sisters name.

But then it got me thinking...do allos actually call random people their crushes name on accident bc they're thinking about their crush? That can't be a real thing.

I don't think it is.

I looked it up. Apparently someone posted on Reddit 3 years ago they were constantly calling random people their crushes name, like on more than on instance and to more than one person. And someone commented they did that before too.

No. No I refuse to believe this one. It's an inside joke the allos are doing to prank us.

Like how does that even happen.

Am I just dumb. Like I don't wanna be rude I get people skip up and make mistakes but like it just doesn't make sense how you can be talking to someone and accidentally call them your crushes name.

So yeah. I think my brains a bit broken.

Well that's all I have to say. Thanks for listening, I hope you all have a wonderful day/night. Wishing you all the best, take care 💚💜

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