167 | Hongjoong | Not Just A Dream Pt.2

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Smut With Little Plot | Fluffy | Dad's Best friend au | Dilf Au

【Synopsis】 : The more he tasted you. The more he was becoming obsessed. And he was treading in dangerous waters, no longer caring about the consequences.

Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader

[Warnings] : Fingering. Dirty talk. Pet names. Insecurity about sexual experience. Inexperience reader. Kinda late-bloomer reader. Mention of sex. This is filthy... Hongjoong is in his late 30s while the reader is 23. Hongjoong teaches the reader... I was high when I wrote this, so ignore any mistakes. It not my fault.

"Aren't you gonna help me, sir

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"Aren't you gonna help me, sir."

Hongjoong's brain couldn't function, let alone take in what you had said. He could feel the way your cunt clenched around his fingers, your gummy walls so warm and welcoming. He could cum again just by the thought. Your hips were rolling, slowly riding his thick digits. He gulped sharply from what he was witnessing. You, Seonghwa's sweet innocent daughter, riding his fucking fingers like your life depended on it. "Fuck baby, I might just cum right now."

He felt no shame in spilling his filthy words to you, something about this already felt so dirty so why not just keep adding fuel to the fire? He shuffled back, making sure not to move his hand that was buried between your thick thighs, using his free hand to pull you closer by your waist. You hiccuped out this name, the movement making your whole body tingle. "D-daddy..."

"What did you just say?" You were both shocked, stilling your movements completely you felt a wave of embarrassment. You didn't mean for it to slip out, truly, but oh did it feel so right. Hongjoong's eyes darkened, pulling his fingers out of your soaking pussy, he chuckled, manhandling you until you were perfectly perched on his lap. He can feel your slick seeping through your panties, coating his boxers slightly. "Say it again, Angel. Who am I?"

"D-Daddy..." You whimpered feeling so small.

"Fuck." He tipped his head back for a moment, questioning how the fuck he was going to restrain himself now when you are over here calling him daddy. "Are you tryin' kill me here angel?"

He looked back in your direction seeing your eyes wide and curious, waiting so patiently for your next instruction. So he kept his right hand on your hip while he snaked the left behind your head, tugging you closer until your lips were only inches from his. You could feel his hot breath tickling your nose, the smell of the whiskey he was drinking earlier tonight with his friends and your father... his best friend. This was so dangerous, a part of you was screaming to back away now before anything else happened. But how could you move away now, when you were so close to finally getting what you always wanted...

When you first met your father's friends, Hongjoong wasn't there. You met San and his partner Wooyoung. And his younger friends Jongho, Mingi, and Yeosang. And spilt drinks on his army friend Yunho. But Hongjoong... he was a mystery. No one spoke about him or what importance he had. All your father would say was they've known each other for a long, long time. But grew apart from the war they both served in and worked. But now he's back and man photos did not do him justice. He was charming, playful and fucking smoking hot. His tattooed left arm made your head dizzy and when he went swimming you got a front-row show of his amazing body. You became wetter than anyone in that pool, that's for sure.

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