102 | San | Not So Harmless pt.2

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Smut | Fluff | Fantasy au

Paring: Werewolf!San x Bunny Hybrid!Reader

[Warnings] : Mention of sex pollen. Dub-con (you know cause sex pollen and all). Swearing. Dirty talk. Unprotected sex (Don't do this) mention of knotting. Werewolf talk (knots, mate, presenting etc.). Oral (reader receiving). Multiple orgasms. Hair pulling. Lots of bodily fluids. Some clit play.

Part one is located on page 11

"The-The flower. It's a lascivious toxin." You practically moan out, leaning back so San's body and the table trap you. You feel so hot, sweat beading down your forehead. He looks at you with confusion, feeling himself grow with worry and lust. He can smell you dripping, but he shakes the thought, trying to make sure you are okay first.

"W-what does that mean Sweets?" He asks, bringing his hand up to hold the back of your neck.

"Argh, It's a toxin that makes you horny San!!" You look at him dead in the eyes, frustration taking over. "It makes you very..." You grind your hips against his. "Very..." You do it again. "Very horny..."

"Oh..." I mean at least you are not actually in pain, well the bad kind anyway.


"Fuck, Fuck, Fuck." You panted feeling Sans's tongue lap at your dripping cunt, his fingers deep inside you. The pace was slow, maybe a bit too slow for your liking, but you were so sensitive you couldn't help but want to come at the smallest of actions.

"You gonna cum again baby? You want to make a mess for me?" San smiled against you with a wolfy grin, picking up the pace with his thrusts just slightly, enough to tip you over the edge. Your grip on San's dark hair, loosens, finally feeling better. Maybe the toxin has finally left your system. San sat up, wiping his mouth while studying your figure. Concern mixed with lust. He wanted, needed to know you were okay. "How are you feeling baby."

You sat up so you were crossed-legged in front of San while he sat on his knees. You were about to reply with a confident 'I feel so much better' but all of a sudden the sharp pain and heat bursts through your body again. How could this be? You had an orgasm, well more like four now, why aren't you feeling better? Tears began to form, as you felt an overwhelming sense of anxiousness and frustration.

"S-San I think. I think I need something more..." You felt strange asking your lover for sex. You didn't want to make him feel like you were using him. San sat there for a moment thinking, and then a sudden thought came to mind. Something Yeosang had told him about heats and mating cycles. He said that no matter what you do the heat will only go away once the knot is performed. So maybe...

"That's it!" San chirped a little too loudly making you suddenly jump at his burst of energy." I just need to knot you." his words made you blush as if it was taboo for him to speak about knotting. It wasn't like you haven't done that with him yet, but him saying it so mundanely made your fluffy ears twitch.

"This isn't a heat though... How will you cumming insi―" Your brain clicked, remember a word or was it a phrase, who knows, but your Herbology book said something about sex toxins needing another partner to cure, but you didn't think it meant their seed. You pushed yourself up, further on the bed before turning around, sticking your ass up in the air and head into your pillow. "Breed me Sannie.."

Did San just die and go to heaven? His mate. His sweet little bunny, presented for him while asking to be bred. Oh yeah, he is definitely in heaven. His cock twitched in his boxer, making the fabric get tighter around his thick length. His body was moving faster than his brain, crawling onto the bed so his hands could reach out for your hips. He pulls his boxers down so his cock can slide again your cheeks spreading his precum between them. Some of his slick gets on your cotton tail too, making you shiver. You push your hips into him, feeling the tip of his cock grazes your entrance. You needed him so badly. You felt like you were going to combust.

"Sannie, please. Please hurry, " you begged desperately, wiggling your hips more aggressively in order to try and get a bigger rise out of him.

"My sweet baby. All you needed was my knot to fill you, hmm?" His growl that erupted from his chest sounded animalistic, predatorial. "I'll give you just what you need."

His cock thrusts deep inside you in one motion, your slick being a great source of lubricant. You were already screaming, gripping the sheets in desperation. He didn't wait for you to adjust like he normally would. No, the snap of his hips was nothing but hard, fast, and deep. Hitting every spot you needed in order to make you see stars.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck." You chanted, tears running down your cheeks, soaking the pillow below you. His hand landed a harsh smack on your ass, making the soft flesh turn a nice shade of pink. Your whole body felt like it was on fire, burning from the inside out. You were going to explode any second, and when San's hand snaked down to your clit to apply pressure to your sensitive bud you knew you were done for. "SAN!!"

"I know baby. Come for me. Make a mess on my cock." His soft voice melted off his tongue, soothing you over the edge. Your vision started to become blurred, fearing to be blacked out entirely. San was now so close, sitting up straight he grabbed both sides of your hips to pound himself inside you at an inhuman pace. Sensitiveity surged through you as San chased his own high and after a few more thrusts he felt himself spill into you. His hips stutter until they completely stopped, his cock was still deep inside for a moment while you both collected yourselves. And to your happiness the pain that had consumed you was now finally gone.

"Oh Fuck..." San growled under his breath as he pulled out of you slowly. He watched his cum mixing with your own, staring at it while it started to spill out of you. It dripped down your thigh, making San's cock twitch. You turn to look back and see San was already hard again.

"You got to be kidding me." You panted with a light-hearted half-smile.

"I can't help it. Not when I have such a beautiful view in front of me." His fingers swiped up the slick from your thigh, pushing it back into your sensitive hole. You mewled at the feeling, trying to get away from him, but he just grabbed your hips in order to spin you around. Your legs on either side of him, being kept open by his thighs. His fingers keep pushing his cum back inside you, enjoying the way it looks when comes back out.

"S-San" You moaned rolling your hips, starting to feel hot and bothered again. he leaned over so he was caging you against the mattress, his nose nuzzling against your neck while his hand brushed over your long fluffy ears. His words make you shiver;

"Don't worry baby. I'm not don't with you just yet."


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