174 | Wooyoung | Perfection

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Stalker au | Suggestive | College Au

【Synopsis】 : The thought of Wooyoungie being a photographer at your college campus, but he is completely obsessed with you to the point he starts stalking you...

Pairing: Photographer!Pervi!Wooyoung x Artist!Reader

[Warnings] : Stalking. Toxic behaviour. Breaking and entering. Lude thoughts. Wooyoung can't help himself half the time. Socially awkwardness. Toxic relationship??? The illusion of smut. Mention of horny books, hehe.

He had this red room he went to every day alone cause he wasn't very good at socialising

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He had this red room he went to every day alone cause he wasn't very good at socialising. Now, that doesn't mean he doesn't have any friends, no, no. He's got friends, but they just don't understand the importance of capturing the world in a single frame. No one is better than a still image in a frame.

Until you came along.

You were like a walking art piece. The perfect picture in his eye. beautiful at every angle. When you smile, when you laugh. The way your hair frames your hair or the way you match your clothes to your body shape perfectly. Everything screams perfect.

You are the definition of perfection.

Wooyoung would fantasise about you. Creating scenario after scenario of how he'd say hi. What your first date would be like. How you would look underneath him as he pounded into you with his—

That last thought he was not proud of.

But oh, could he imagine. He took photos of you without you knowing. They started off innocent, of course. You simply walking to class. Sitting under the maple trees on campus or hanging out with your friends. Then, he would get closer. Following your home, just to make sure you got there safely, no other reason, of course. He found you left your side window at the end of your kitchen unlocked and slightly agape to let this stray cat in. A black cat.

Silly you.

The first time he snuck into your house was none other than thrilling. He didn't dare go into your room or any with a closed door for that matter, just in case he woke you. No, he would rather sit in your lounge room, taking in the homey scent. The smell of pine wood timber and vanilla. He noticed you had a bookshelf filled with such a variety of novels. Wooyoung, of course, had no clue what any of them were... Court Of Thorns? Hooked? Touch of darkness? Den of vipers? Hunting Adeline...

He had to remind himself to check them out later.

After sneaking in the fifth time, he decided to risk opening a few rooms. The bathroom first where he would sniff you body washes and perfumes, becoming entranced with the scent. Your study, looking through only a few book shelves. And then Finally your room. The way you slept made his breathing hitch.

Perfect even in slumber.

He wanted to capture it. But alas, he was afraid. He wasn't a creep after all. No, of course not. He just snuck and broke into your house and watched you sleep. No, not creepy at all. You were is muse after all. Just something to admire, he would never hurt you.

He watched you sitting across from him during one of the classes you shared. You were stretching. Again. Your nose seemed to be constantly in that art book or one of your novels for that matter.

By the tenth time he broke in, he spent his time looking through your study. He wanted to find that damn stretch book so he could see what interested you so much. Why would you rather look in a book rather than the elegant world around you? To his surprise, he found it sitting under a bunch of papers and such. He sat down in the chair while taking a deep breath, opening the sketch pad with caution and a mix of curiosity, but what he found was not what he was expecting. Every page, filled with erotic sketches. Monsters, People without faces. Even yourself and...


It was drawings of him and you, together in lude positions.

"I was wondering when you were going to find it." Your voice made him jump, closing the book as quickly as he could. His wide eyes darted around the room, freaking out. Not knowing how to react. Or what to say. you, however, just waltzed over to him, pushing the chair back slowly, letting it roll against the floor. He was frozen, just watching you sit on his lap facing him before turning to the desk.

"Come on, you haven't even gotten to the good ones yet."

Turns out you were just as perverted as him.


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