170 | Hongjoong | Was It All Just A Dream Pt.5

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Smut | Angsty but Fluffy | Romance | DBF

【Synopsis】 : Fear was clouding both you and Hongjoong's judgement, leading you to question whether Hongjoong actually likes you the way you do him or not. Would a confession fix everything? Or would it cause a rift between the two of you?

Pairing: Dilf!Hongjoong x Park!Reader

[Warnings] : Making out. Mentions of sex. Hongjoong can keep his hands to himself. Crying, heartbreak. Fear and insecurities. Lots of sappy cheesy romance novel stuff. Slight miscommunication trope. What can i say, i live to cause chaos. Hehe. Also, I love to point out that i love Seonghwa very much, and any i say about him doesn't mean anything.

 Also, I love to point out that i love Seonghwa very much, and any i say about him doesn't mean anything

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The dinner felt like something out of a romance novel or movie. Everything was perfect, down to the last bite of your dessert. The way the chocolate melted on your tongue and the whipped cream spilled down your throat, dripping down your chin. Hongjoong had to bite back a groan at the way your eyes rolled back in pleasure. You found out that Hongjoong owns the restaurant, which caught you by complete surprise, given he didn't know the first thing about cooking. He had spoken about how he was originally going to be a bar, but his mother mentioned she would have loved to own a restaurant with opened windows, grand red couches, and welcoming smiles. His dream quickly became something to resemble his mother. He wanted her to know how much he loved her, even when he was being his cold stand-off self. She helped a lot in his life, and he missed her every day.

He parked outside your apartment, and the silence continued. Only the soft pitter-patter of rain hitting the windshield. You didn't want to get out of the car. You didn't want the night to end, and as he turned to look at you in the eyes, you knew he didn't want it to end either. "Why don't you come up.... Coffee maybe..."

Your heart was racing, feeling all your nerves shaking at you. You needed to push yourself, push him. Show him you could be assertive... mature. He sighed, biting his bottom lip while looking back to the dark wet street in front of the car. He had conflicting feelings like his mind was splitting into two. You felt your heart breaking with each breath, with each silent second. "I don't think that is a good idea..."

"Why?!" You said that way too quickly than you'd like, knuckles turning white as you clench the fabric of your dress in between your fingers. He just sighed again, making your heart shatter slowly. He raked his hand through his hair, searching for the right words to say without causing a miscommunication or pain.

"If I go up there, then I won't come back down." His words made you hold a breath. Did he mean that? Was he worried about having sex with you? Be with you? You quickly responded with a simple 'so' which probably made you sound like an upset, desperate teenager, but you didn't care, needing to hear him out. "I don't think it's a good idea. Not yet. Your father is uhh..."

There it was. The cruel reminder of who you were to him. His best friend's daughter. Just some silly little girl that he was fooling around with. You sagged completely into your chair, trying to balance the weight forming on your chest. You felt like you couldn't breathe like you were suffocating in the small vehicle. No matter how hard you fight or how much he tries to forget, your relationship will be constantly based on what your father thinks. Your father's feelings. Not yours.

"I see..." You finally spoke. "Well, I'll see you later than Hongjoong. Tonight was lovely...really lovely." You got out before he could say another word. But you knew he was calling your name, trying to get you to hear his reasoning. Why he say what he said. The rain that was lightly spitting when you were in the restaurant was now bucketing down. You tried to get to the door of your building as quickly as possible, but a firm grip of your wrist stopped you. You turned to see a soaking Hongjoong, looking desperate and...regretful.

"I want to be with you. Don't you ever think otherwise." He yelled over the rain, your eyes growing wide as he put his left hand on your cheek, stroking your wet skin with his thumb. "I suck at voicing my thoughts. Please...please don't think I don't want you angel. You are the only thing in my life that makes me want to live again."

You could feel your throat closing and your heart racing. Tears were falling along with the rain, ruining your make-up. He inched close, letting you feel his breath on your skin. Then you closed the gap, letting him lock his lips against yours. He kissed you more passionately, unlike the lust-filled kisses you've shared with him. He kissed you like you were the only person left in the world. He kisses you like he needs it to breathe. He needed you more than he could ever explain. But fuck, if he wasn't going to try to show you exactly how he feels, with every kiss, every soft touch and every whisper of sweet nothings in your ear. He wasn't afraid of your father. He wasn't afraid of what his other friends might think. He was going to shout from the rooftop how much he has fallen in love with you, and he was going to make sure you knew he meant every word.

"I think I've fallen in love with you." You whispered, your tears turning into a sob. Your fingers were tangled in his wet shirt, fearing he'd disappear if you let go. And then he smiled, he laughed. His nose rubbing against yours, he whispered back...

"I'm definitely in love with you, angel. I've been in love with you the moment you step out of your car in that fucking perfect little dress." He groaned kissing you again. He swallowed your giggles as you both felt a euphoric feeling like no other. It was like a switch went off. The last puzzle piece fell into place and nothing else outside your little bubble mattered. His plans to make your first time was about to go out the fucking window....

"If you don't get back in my car right now, I'll drag you into it." His words were dark, tainting on your lips. It was like a drug you'd never get enough of. Quickly, without slipping, you got back into his expensive car, your hand never leaving his thigh as he drove and your lips suckling on his neck. Hongjoong was glad it was almost two in the morning, and no one was on the road. Otherwise, he would've most likely hit someone with how fast he was going. He made it back to his apartment in no time, and without another moment to spear, he dragged you towards the elevator by your hand. Fingers entangled with yours.. he pinned you against the wall in a feverish kiss, holding the back of your neck, guiding your mouth with his. This was not what he wanted your first time to be like. But god, did he need every second of it.

The way his hand crept up your dress, crawling at your hips. Feeling your frilly panties along his fingertips. His tongue raked down your hot skin, suckling a bright red mark on your neck. He was going to litter you with his marks, every part of your beautiful untouched body. Taint it like you were made for him. He was going to fuck you like it was the last thing he was ever going to do. Because you deserved every treatment he gave you.

No matter what your father was going to think. He'd deal with the prick afterwards.


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