Chapter 1 - 4

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Chapter 1 Rebirth to the wedding night in the 1980s

"Don't touch me. You're covered in fat. It's disgusting to look at you! Get out!"

As a cold and angry male voice sounded, Qiao Shenbei was kicked to the ground by the man. Because the fat on his body protected him, He didn't feel any pain, but there was a snap in his waist. He felt his waist flash. He looked down at the several layers of fat on his body and trembled as he moved.

He looked at his belly covered in pork belly and was so frightened that he almost fainted again.

What the hell is this place?

Before Qiao Shenbei could react, the man on the bed had already gotten up and dressed, wearing a dark gray shirt. Qiao Shenbei looked up and saw the man's strong waist, complete eight-pack abs, and attractive She had mermaid lines and a beautiful figure without a trace of fat. Before he could see clearly with his eyes wide open, the man put on his shirt and reached out to button the clothes. He found that the man's fingers with clear joints were even more delicate. Feeling...

Before Qiao Shenbei looked up to see his face, the man was already walking out with his long legs in disgust. The door was a very old wooden door, and it made a rattling sound when it was closed.

The weather in June was very cool in the countryside at night, and the windows were open. Qiao Shenbei looked around, his pupils widening in fear.

This is where?

It is surrounded by old walls, with portraits of leaders on the walls. The room is not big, and there is only one table that is moldy and moth-eaten. There is a porcelain basin and enamel cup on the table. The windows are still made of wood and glass, the bed is still a bright red quilt, and a red word "happiness" is hung high on the wall!

Qiao Shenbei touched his body, and his face became extremely ugly when he saw so much fat. He dragged his heavy body, got up, and walked to the table not far away. He picked up the mirror on the table and took a look. The mirror fell on the table with a "pop", and he almost fainted from fright.

His face was as big as a basin, and it was greasy, as if it had been covered with a layer of ointment, making it shiny. Moreover, there is a lot of fat flesh on both cheeks, and the eyes are squeezed by the flesh, and they seem to be narrowed into slits. If you can't see the eyes clearly, the chin also has a three-dimensional chin.

Who is this fat man?

Qiao Shenbei couldn't bear it when he thought that his exquisite facial features had turned into the chubby appearance of this damn fat man.

Isn't this too ugly?

Is it too fat? He stared at the fat on his body and visually judged that he weighed more than 200 kilograms!

This is not him! This is not his face, nor his figure!

His previous figure was that of a frail and cute little puppy!

Qiao Shenbei thought about what happened that morning. He understood that he was... reborn in another person's body?

Today was his first day of school. He had just passed the Ph.D. exam and was moving his things to the dormitory. As a result, someone threw an object from a high altitude and hit him on the head.

Then, he died, and when he woke up, he was on Pangpang's body.

At this time, he had a severe headache, and the memory of the original owner was transmitted to him.

He held his head in pain.

The original owner had the same name and surname, and even the face and body were the same. It was just because the original owner had gained weight that he looked completely different.

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