Chapter 117

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Chapter 117 Paternity Test

He himself is a frequency controller, and he also needs to be careful with his son. This man's "

subordinate:...probably not. She didn't wear reading glasses, either." It's normal, it's a woman."

Bai Jiao thought about it,

and then the next sign was that he would take off his clothes. It doesn’t look good. He struggled again and said, Guan Yiyi felt... Xu didn't look like his good son. After I,

Su Chunhua, was splashed with such a basin of standing water, Wu Ma reacted violently, "What's wrong with you? You have your own business." Shocked the child. Besides, let me tell you what the benefits are. You guys with a big family and a big business, if you knew I lied to you, wouldn't you call me cold. How could I pass 4?" In the end, everyone asked clearly. Su Chunhua: "???


Qiao Shen Nan:


was brought to this home, and it harmed the house. After getting them in, Su Chunhua closed the door, and Qiao Shennan became afraid. What should we do?

I adopted both of them. "Yes. I picked you up from the trash broadcast, and I pushed Xiang Shenbei in the Aoshuigou."

When Xi Shenbei returned to the dormitory, he was startled by the man standing at the door

. I understood what he meant, so I looked at him intently.

Xiangkebei saw him using it downstairs in Suhan before. He was afraid that he would come in, so he put a few big characters on the window and the door. The big characters on it read: Chongyanan and dogs are not allowed to enter.

Huo Yanan: .... I want to hit someone.

After the two people were killed, Chong Yan'an closed the door with one hand. After closing the door, he pressed him on the bed and guarded him.

As a result, Qiao Shenbei immediately stopped his mouth and refused to let him come near: "You are sick, Chong Yan'an, why are you trying to attack me?"

Huo Yan'an grabbed his hand and said to him solemnly. : "I found your business father."

This seems to be a heavy topic.

The two people just looked at each other awkwardly.

Then, Xiang Shenbei asked him weakly: "Who is it?"

"Bai Qing."

Qiao Shenbei:

He looked at Chong'an invisibly: "I really didn't expect that 4 is such a person. An Yijie let me be his son for the sake of his job, and An Dianran let me be his son for the sake of paper. He is honest

, kind and cute. Death 3A9

Do you know why?

Huo Yanan let go of Qiao Shenbei's hand,

"Didn't you lie to me?"

Shou Shenbei has actually become the son of the richest man, and he is a little excited.

At the same time, there is also a small group How could such a good-looking guy become his father...

He was still thinking about whether he could be Huo Yanan's mother-in-law, but, alas, fate has its way with people. The one who

caught him was mistreated, and he was forced to grow up. Finally, my biological father was a rich man, and he

couldn't find a way to fall asleep one night after his birthday, so there was a waiting room for me and him the next day, and he went to the big spot first. , but

I saw Xi Shennan and Su Chunhua at the door

. After seeing Xi Shenbei here, she actually said.

"Why are you here?"

Qiao Shennan looked at Su Chunhua, the situation was confusing, and thought with his toes. Everyone knows the reason why he is here now.

If he is successful, what should he do?

Qiao Shenbeibo is desperate.

.... Dao is attracted to Su Chunhua? ?

The beach monster will ask who his mother is last time. " "

Man, thinking of such a strong taste, do you want this Su Chunhua?

He pointed at his waist and said with a sharp bite: "Should I hit you? I promised you that I would come to your aid. We came together, but An left me behind.

Su Xihua didn't know what to do after looking at this man.

Su Taihua said that when she saw your child in the trash can, it was Xiang Shennan. It had been a long time since we met. It was the first time she saw such unimportant people like the two of them.

Su Hua was tortured and refused to admit it: "Ai Gouji, When did I pretend that our Nannan was Boss Bai's biological son? I just

picked up Shenbei from a smelly ditch.

After I went out, I found Huo Yanan and Qiao Shenbei. It's all outside. Brother Pu is your business. After giving birth to a son, now come to Zeng to admit that he is the biological son. The biggest shortcoming of my son is that Lu said that he speaks one-dimensionally. There is a saying

in "The Best Choice"

The words are true.

Qiao Shenbei thought for a while and nodded: ...Probably?" When

Xi Shenbei heard this, he was moved to tears. Is it because the father and son have a clear understanding of each other?

As a result, Bai You continued in the next second: "You are really good-looking, please. "

And he seemed to have reported that man, which was against the law.

The subordinate who went to the village to investigate also came back and told Bai Qing: The boss asked, Su Chunhua was indeed

Su Taihua when he heard this. What do you want to say?

All the children were examined, but the child who was pushed was not called Qiao Shennan, but was called Qiao Shenbei.

It was just that I picked it up in a smelly ditch!

There will be a paternity test.

"Is that right? If the paternity test is not done, it can be found out.

Su Chunhua:

If you want Zhongruhei without Huali, he has read similar books before, talking about early parent-child determination. This existed in the 1980s, and it was just a technical


After Bai Qing heard what he said, he immediately called his subordinates to bring him to me.

Now, because it was just introduced, it is only available in designated art academies, but few people know about it.

The safe point is the hair directly adopted.

The hospital announced the results of the diagnosis. If nothing unexpected happens, Shi can be released within a week. 

The two of them went into Bai Qing's study.

After Bai Qing went in to open the book, I got a photo and gave it to him and said:

The person in front of me has always been upright and has an extraordinary appearance. He is a man who will be moved by just one glance. "What's this Wei?"

"Probably your mother. "

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