Chapter 162

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Chapter 162 Huo Yanan, you bastard!

Who did he hear ending?

..Huo Yanan married Mei?

How could he answer the question? Isn’t he already married? Already married to him.

Could it be that the two of them had to get married again because they didn't pay for their previous marriage? Because of his status, he had to get married in front of so many people. Qiao Shenbei didn't understand it at all. He didn't know why his husband was married.

".-... Young Madam, I also heard what others said. I don't know whether it is specific or not. It seems that the young master is getting married to someone who was arranged by Grandpa Huo Qi. Then he agreed to the name of the partner, which seems to be called Qiao Shennan."

This name was undoubtedly like a bomb that had exploded, catching Xiang Shenbei off guard and not expecting it at all.

He felt a dull pain in his stomach and couldn't breathe. His whole face suddenly turned deathly white. He couldn't hold on and was about to fall down. He was afraid that the child in his stomach would come out, so he held on to the sofa


When the servant saw him like this, he was afraid to put down the things in his hands. He quickly supported him and asked, "Madam, are you okay? Do you want to call the doctor?"

Qiao Shenbei pointed at her hand and said to him with rapid breathing. : 'What are you calling a doctor now? You should call your young master back now.

The man who called immediately was frightened. He was afraid that he would have a stomach problem and that he was also at fault, so he quickly called Huo Yan'an. . When Huo Heihe came downstairs, she saw Qiao Shenbei clutching her stomach (Xiangzi, who was aching achingly) as if the child was about to fall. She hurried over and said to Qiao Shenbei: "Sister-in-law, I think it is wrong for the eldest brother to do this." Ah, after all, it's impossible for him not to accept him with his appearance. And he can't only have you as his wife. I heard that with his identity, he can have as many wives as he wants. I heard that the reason why Xiang Shennan wanted her so quickly The reason for marrying the eldest brother was because he also had his child, so the two of them had to get married as soon as possible. Otherwise, if it weren't for the eldest brother's child that he had, why would the eldest brother marry him? She finally thought of this method,

If Qiao Shenbei is particularly angry, he will definitely make the child so angry that he will miscarry.

After Qiao Shenbei heard this, his stomach really felt uncomfortable, and it hurt even more. It was like there was electricity in his stomach, special It was difficult.

Huo Yanan listened to the person on the phone saying that his wife had a stomach problem, so he quickly put down his work and went home. He knew

that things could not be hidden, and he had to let people know if he wanted to hold this wedding. Shen Bei also knew it, so he would know it early, so he had to explain it to him early. It was just that Huo Yanan deceived himself, thinking that sex would only last one day, so don't let him know it early.

But now he still has to be exposed, so Huo Yanan went back.

When he went back, he saw this lantern and colorful device. After the inside of the body was covered with this device, he was so angry that his veins bulged, and he directly took it off by himself, roaring angrily. The voice asked the individual: "What's going on? Who allowed you to do this here? It's you who did this in my house."

When the man saw his hair like this, he knelt down in fear and explained: "Yes, it's Mr. Huo Qi. He asked us to arrange these. There is no way we can refuse the instructions he gave us. It's this man again, Isn't this person unwilling to make his family poor?

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