Chapter 163

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Chapter 163 You are my life, how could I not want you?

It is only my duty to give you orders, not your duty to negotiate terms with me. If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have gotten the antidote at all, and you would have suffered from this kind of pain for the rest of your life. It was me who saved you, so you should be grateful and not threaten me.

Huo Yanan couldn't help but want to get closer to him, so she walked up to him in twos and twos, then put a finger on his neck and pressed him on the sofa. The force was so strong that it seemed It's like I really want to strangle him to death. He warned him with a gloomy face: "Qiao Shennan, no matter what time you are not qualified to negotiate terms with me, do you believe that I dare? I don't have an antidote. At worst, I will live in pain like this for the rest of my life, and I won't How about it, but as long as you touch Qiao Shenbei, you will die immediately. Touching Xiang Shenbei is my bottom line!

Qiao Shennan's face has been turned green by his pointing, and he is really about to die. He has no choice but to nod. .

He was really scary like this, so he was so frightened that he agreed.

When Huo Yanan saw him nodding and almost out of breath, he threw him aside and asked the servant to take him to the side hall. There, don't let him come in here.

Huo Yanan went to the bathroom to wash his hands. The hand that touched the bitch just now was particularly disgusting. He rubbed it several times, but it still didn't get rid of the disgusting feeling.

He just touched him It was as if his skin was thirsty. He was satisfied at that moment, but the feeling in his heart was disgusting. He restrained the urge. He had to get rid of this disgusting feeling as soon as possible


Qiao Shenbei was imprisoned He has been in this room for several hours. No matter how much she yelled, no one opened the door for him. He had already moved all the things in the room towards the door, making a crackling sound, but no one paid attention to him. He was so angry that he was so angry that he was lying on the bed thinking about what to do.

Huo Yanan didn't know where he died, so he just ignored him. What

he shouted was so heartbreaking, it was really true. When you have a new love, you forget about your old love.

You don't even think about it. He gave him a baby in exchange for a big belly, but he ended up marrying someone else. He was so embarrassed!

Qiao Shenbei thought about his belly, and suddenly he had an idea. Go out.

He picked up the scissors on the side, then walked to the door and shouted to Huo Yan'an: "Huo Yan'an, you are a pervert, aren't you going to let me out? Well, I have scissors in my hand now, I stabbed me in the stomach with this scissor, and I killed this child. Since you have done this to me, then you don’t care about my life or death. If you want to lock me here, I will die for you now. Look, there’s no use keeping my belly. If you don't let me out, you can clean it up for me.

Huo Yan'an didn't leave either. He stayed at the door without going in, and kept listening to him making trouble inside. It was okay, thinking that he would stop after having enough trouble, but he didn't expect him to be so wolfish.

He was probably too nervous to even want to do anything to this child, so he believed it and kicked in the door directly.

After Qiao Shenbei saw that he had kicked the door open, he happily found the opportunity to get out of here through this gap.

After Huo Yanan kicked the door open and went in, she saw that he was about to leave, so she grabbed him and took him into her arms.

Qiao Shenbei saw him restraining him and wanted to stab him to death with the scissors.

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