Chapter 56 - 57

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Chapter 56: Make you dislike me! Make you dislike me!


No one spoke.

Huo Yanan asked and answered himself: "Yes, I knew you were cold. I was afraid that you would catch a cold and have to waste money on seeing a doctor for you."

When he said this, he got up by himself without waiting for his answer. I had already made up my mind, so he just answered, saying that he was sleeping on the ground and it was very cold and he would catch a cold, so he picked him up.

Then he put him on the bed.

After putting the person on the bed, he poked his face angrily and exploded with anger, "Qiao Shenbei, who allowed you to dislike me? Am I so bad? To make you dislike me? You don't If you like me, you will gain ten pounds more!"


There was still no answer, and he even slept very sweetly.

Huo Yan'an suddenly had the urge to send him to the vegetable market and sell him. Why should he keep him? Since he didn't like him, keeping him would only be an eyesore.

But later I gave up the idea. Forget it, it seemed a bit wasteful to sell something so cute.

Keep it for yourself to digest internally.

When he thought like this, he fell asleep and covered the two of them with a quilt, so that they could sleep peacefully.


Qiao Shenbei felt that he might be sleepwalking.

Because when he got up the next day, he found that he was sleeping on the bed. He was shocked...

He obviously fell asleep on the floor yesterday and didn't go to the toilet in the middle of the night, so he couldn't have secretly... dreamed on his own. You, go to bed, then Huo Yanan will definitely kick him out of bed.

No, maybe it's because I can't kick him.

It makes sense when you think about it. You can't kick him, so you let him stay on the bed.


The unaccustomed relationship between Qiao Shenbei and Huo Yanan lasted for a week without any progress.

But the weird thing is that every day he sleeps on the ground and then gets up from the bed, and every day he suspects that he has encountered a ghost at night.

This day happened to be the time when the results were announced.

The college entrance examination results are out, and along with them are the admission notices, all delivered directly from the post office. These days, there are no mobile phones to check, so you can only wait for the notice to announce whether you have been admitted.

Qiao Shenbei had nothing to do today, so he didn't get up until noon. When he went out, he saw that Liang Sumei was worshiping.

He quickly followed over and paid his respects, wishing that his grades would be better.

"Mom, what are you praying for?"

Liang Sumei said to him: "No, Yan'an is going to work. He has to go to a big city, so I have to pray for him, pray for peace, and let the landlord also Bless you. But when you ask this, I think of a question. You two are newly married and he has to go to work. He may not come back until the holidays. So what should you do? You two newlyweds can't do it either. , why don't you tell her that you go to work with him? I heard that he has a family compound there, and if you have family members, you can share a house together."

Qiao Shenbei immediately refused. It's not possible if her husband is not around. Just wander around? Who wants to go with him?

"No, Mom, I won't disturb him. He can go to work when he goes to work. After all, I still have to go to school. I will definitely go to college after I get admitted. I will definitely live in the school by then, so Don't waste this energy."

Huo Xixi came out while nibbling an apple. Hearing such confident words, she smiled, spit out the apple core and said, "You are really confident, you really think you are. Can you get into college? Do you think it is so easy to get into college these days? How many high school students fail to get into college because of their brains. You know that those who can get into college these days are all very smart people, right? " 

Chapter 57 How could your brother be cow dung!

"It's not easy to get into college. Only stupid people like you can get into it. Don't you care about your level? You've never read a book and you can't even write your own name. You're still getting into college. You Shouldn't you write 1234 on the test paper? It's ridiculous. I'm warning you, you fat pig, to speak out and don't tell others that you are my sister-in-law. I don't want to have such an embarrassing sister-in-law like you. It's disgusting."

Liang Sumei listened. When he got angry, he reached out and pinched her arm, causing bruises on her arm, "I asked you to insult your sister-in-law, as long as your sister-in-law has this intention, you are insulting someone else, she is not your sister-in-law, she is your sister-in-law, If you dare to say one more thing, I will strangle you to death!"

"Why are you hitting me? I am telling the truth. Do you believe that a person who has never read a book and can't even write his name will be admitted to college? It's ridiculous. Okay. I said you guys have really had enough. My brother is a college student who graduated from a key university, okay? As a result, you let him be with such an illiterate person without culture. Sister Yingying graduated from a normal school. What a normal school. It's a good university. Together with my brother, he is a talented man and a beautiful woman. Don't insist on this fat guy. If you tell me, people may laugh at my brother. It's a good flower to stick in the cow dung." Liang Sumei heard.

At this point, he wanted to hit someone again, but Qiao Shenbei suddenly interrupted and said: "How can you say that about your brother? How could your brother be cow dung?"

Huo Xixi: " damn fat man, I said You are cow dung."

"No, you are talking about your brother!"

Huo Xixi: "..."

With such a quarrel, it was very lively outside, and firecrackers were set off. The sound sounded like there was some big happy event, and there were only a few people in their village. Firecrackers are only set off to celebrate when big events happen, so setting off firecrackers now attracted them to come out and watch the fun.

I went out, understood, and understood why firecrackers were set off outside. Some people were admitted to university, even though it was a junior college! but! These days, if you can get into a junior college, you can get into a university. It’s very exciting and awesome! He can be considered a college student!

Liang Sumei followed to join in the fun, just to see which family's child was so ambitious that he was admitted to college!

When she went to inquire about it and found out who had passed the exam, she almost got mad to death. This person turned out to be Qiao Shennan!

This person is from the next village and sets off firecrackers here in their village. What does this mean? This is simply a way of showing off one's strength and showing off. How do the people in the village know about it? They only know that he is a successful kid who has been admitted to university. Who cares where he is? And even if the two villages next door are close to each other, it will bring disgrace to them. After all, there are not many college students in the village who can go out.

Needless to say, I am quite envious, because no one in their village has been admitted to college this year, and no one has set off firecrackers to celebrate. The last time he set off firecrackers to celebrate was the village chief’s son Huo Yanan, who passed the exam with a particularly strong exam. As for the university, it has been prestigious for a long time.

After a few years, someone finally got into it. It didn’t matter which village he came from. Just live up to his expectations. Speaking of which, he could still get some glory, so everyone was very happy to give Su Chunhua to The praise made Su Chunhua feel completely swollen, and she was so happy that she smiled like a flower.

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