Chapter 153

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Chapter 153 So handsome?

So he walked out happily.

After walking out to this aperture, the aperture disappears. The elf told him that his wish would be fulfilled soon.

Huo Qi was lying on his back. So now he walked to the room very anxiously, not knowing what task he was assigned. I didn't expect his reaction to be so violent.

On the one hand, he went in because they couldn't bear to see me sitting in this position, and on the other hand, they couldn't do it any longer during the second step. Today I don't want to introduce anyone to An.

The people coming in from Waiguan walked in front of them.

Like people coming from Daxi.

There have always been various ancient legends over there, but no one has tried to measure them accurately.

The person in front of him looked like he was from that side. He couldn't see clearly the face. The person in front of him was confused.

I don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl, because one hair dazzled the entire suit.

The man gave the two of them a bow to say hello.

Huo Luyin couldn't understand what this human party was doing.

So I asked Huo Bu: "Father, what do you mean by this?"

Let him go to Zhike Chong'an, and let Jueshen do what he did after sending 0 wisdom. As long as he is in time, another person, The famous Tang Bai is addicted to wine and sex. No matter

how long you think he can stay in this position, he will find a way to deal with it. Someone will pull him down. Then I will mark you again." It's not Izuku anymore, so I just pushed you to this position and pulled Huo Yan'an down. What do you think?" After hearing

this, his pupils shrank and he was a little surprised.

He didn't expect him He was so anxious that he had to give up his position to him.

He was still a little unprepared for letting him take over the position so soon.

Huo Xing also saw his intention and was afraid that he would not agree, so he pretended Tell him deeply:

It is impossible for me to be in this position, and it is impossible for you to be in this position, or it is

too good for you not to play on this side. He has been plotting everything recently just to defeat us. The two of them were kicked out. He was the matchmaker of the first. You were born this way, so

you had no choice, you know?

Just when he raised his eyes and looked over, the man also glanced at him. .

Is it also a problem?" Huo Luqi asked, feeling sleepy.

He will definitely count him. At that time, as long as they have contact, it will be normal to cast witchcraft on his body.

"They have to wear a veil all the year round. After all, he is the heir and no one can know his true face. So there are very few people with ST

? Just let me watch."

Huo Luqi was speechless . .

When Huo Luyin was about to leave the house, he was stopped next. The man from Daxi stopped him and said:

After hearing the sound of this man's voice, Luyin stopped and turned around to look at him. It sounds like this man's voice is a man's voice, so this man is a man

. What's the matter?

Huo Luqi looked at him suspiciously: "What do you mean?"

The insect is on his body, and everyone is worried about it. The speed of this action is extremely fast. As long as you catch him, it's like a small child. In a body that will enter deep karma at a rapid pace

, he will not feel pain.

Personally, Xue Fuzheng asked: "What do you mean? If I remember correctly, my father Hua Zhan came to invite you and asked If you don't

expose the family hair and wait for me, there is absolutely no way I can pass you by so easily." shubl.

I let you let go of this bug for a while just because I have no way to get close to Huo Yaoan, and An also knows that with his identity He lives on the ground, and the man Tong Hui who is guarding him

has the ability to make plans in the world. He will not let me get close to him, so what this insect wants to do to him, the only person who can do it is

, but if I get close to him, he will definitely not let me get close, do you understand?

I understand now that I understand.

Use a small Jingzi to pretend to be.

After hearing what the man said, Huo Luqi felt proud, but he still obeyed.

Go up to Baijiao and bring Yu Nanxi directly to the Bai family.

Shen Bei and Huo Yanan arrived home at night, but they arrived at the same time.

This was the first time for Yu Nanxi to see Huo Yanan.

._--.This is also the first time to meet my mother-in-law.

So when he went in, he twisted and pulled Cheng Cheng for a long time before shouting:

Yu Nanxi's

eyes lit up when she saw him, she liked him very much.

"Are you so handsome?"

I am half good-looking. It's incomparable to me.

Yu Nanxitong

was being dragged along by others, and Bai Na, this confused person, was really sinister to the extreme. He wanted to find a

place for me to stay because he wanted to stay here because he wanted to find a place to stay. Kaizi.

Zizai drove the car directly to Jixia and took him home for dinner.

He was afraid to return to this home again. After all, his wife existed in this home, so he

planned to leave in a hurry after eating. However, he was still very happy when he saw his son.

If you can stay, can I decorate it according to your favorite style?" When

Yu Nanxi heard this, she raised her head and gave him a look:

Xi Shenbei hurriedly said to Yu Nanxi: "Mom, why don't you stay?

It should be a good conversation, and I have no experience in education. If you stay, we can still communicate together."

Yu Nanxi looked at Xiang Shenbei's different expressions, looked at him very peacefully, and then nodded. He said: "Okay."

His heart felt so cold.

Chonghei walked up to Qiao Shenye carrying the same cup of grapes. Last time he drank all the medicine. Chongran just rented a big house.

So At this moment, he continued to give him this medicine.

Saffron, according to her IQ, she probably didn't know that saffron can induce an abortion.

After hearing this, Huo Heihei's heart beat like a drum, "I'm sure, it's a good time." I took care of it.

"Do you know what saffron is?

Huo Heihei looked tired: "What is it?

Qiao Shenbei looked at this woman.

She didn't know this Huang Hongyuan. So the things inside were not planted by her.

Could it be that she was really his mother-in-law?

Qiao Shenbei called and went back to his hometown.

I missed Liang Laimei.

After having a baby, I was kind to him. There was no more introduction to Chong Anan.

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